Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously I strongly believe that industry has to be modernised — none of us is against that — but during the Government 's term of office the restructuring in many of our industries has been far too savage .
2 Is the Minister aware that Sheffield is plunging into its deepest recession since the war , that according to new research by the city council 's department of employment the true figure for unemployment is 17 per cent .
3 The Fellows of Magdalen College , Oxford , refused James 's attempt to foist a Catholic President on them in March 1687 ( electing one of their own fellows instead , whom James immediately deposed ) , and when they subsequently refused to accept James 's nomination of Samuel Parker , Bishop of Oxford , the Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes was used to deprive twenty-five of them of their fellowships .
4 National Grid 's proposal to route a 400kv power line through part of the constituency is another issue which has sparked controversy .
5 In 1990 , Debbie 's proposal to curate a collection of artwork about childbirth was accepted by A Space , one of Canada 's oldest parallel alternative artist-run centres and arts publications throughout Canada and the U.S.A. A grant from the Canada Council Explorations programme allowed her to choose 40 artists , including some whose work was shipped from the far coasts of Canada Council Explorations programme allowed her to choose 40 artists , including some whose work was shipped from the far coasts of Canada and from scattered points in the U.S.A. Faced with a tremendous volume of committed , powerful work from every discipline , her curatorial decision was to be inclusive rather than exclusive ; to show-case the incredible diversity of personalities , experiences and methods that have been employed to address this long repressed subject matter .
6 Rejecting Tomlinson 's proposal to resite the Royal Brompton and Royal Marsden hospitals at the Charing Cross Hospital in west London .
7 Of course , when we test Hartley 's philosophy against experience an immediate problem comes to mind : why is it that we are so often unable to link a face with a name or remember the title of a book we were reading only last week ?
8 Borg 's disappearance from top tennis , like Harold Wilson 's withdrawal from government a few years before , constitutes one of the great resignation puzzles of modern times .
9 From the finance company 's point of view a contract of guarantee is the less satisfactory , for two reasons .
10 But from the firm 's point of view the local sales of a subsidiary are as much foreign sales as any export is .
11 From the learner 's point of view the most valuable part of this book consists of the 49 problems and answers .
12 But if the bad effects are on the body , and the good effects are on the gene alone , from the body 's point of view the net effect is all bad . )
13 From society 's point of view the only question is whether those who had the benefit of these excellent libraries in the forces will have the same access to books when they leave .
14 From mankind 's point of view the varying configurations of these 329 million cubic miles present a variety of conveniences and opportunities .
15 From the profoundly deaf child 's point of view the non-verbal is part of BSL , so the last two ‘ channels ’ are the same , and since the child does not hear effectively , the oral/aural ‘ channel ’ is also primarily visual .
16 From the client 's point of view the assessment provides an opportunity to express their difficulties in a structured manner , and make links between specific problems and various areas of their life , both past and present .
17 From the patient 's point of view the medical profession still appears divided about the main causes of heart attacks ; there is the stress lobby , the cigarette lobby and the exercise lobby .
18 From Giddens 's point of view the middle class should also include lower level white-collar workers ( for further details see p. 80 ) .
19 From the trader 's point of view the position is straightforward .
20 But from the pope 's point of view the boundaries of his influence had been extended by the coronation of Johannitsa and the influence of the patriarch of Constantinople and the Greek Church decreased .
21 From Waddo 's point of view the king 's death was a disaster ; too far from court to be involved in safeguarding Chilperic 's heir , which was arranged by Fredegund , he was liable to be excluded from the ruling group in the early years of Chlothar II .
22 Whereas from Britain 's point of view the London exchanges decided nothing , from the tsar 's point of view they cleared the decks for international action .
23 Equally , from the tenant 's point of view the interest granted him under a tenancy at will is so precarious that he would almost always be better off with a fixed term to which the 1954 Act did not apply .
24 I think from the video 's point of view the S I hardly ever use it anymore
25 Western feminists like Mitchell ( 1974 ) have used Lacanian reformulations of psychoanalysis to reiterate the irrational , sexual nature of the unconscious , and to make psychoanalysis 's place in feminism a more important and challenging one .
26 After the curtain had come down and she 'd put away the props she hid in the extra 's dressing-room in case the reporter had changed his mind and dared to wait for her .
27 Had she not heard Sarah 's cry of outrage the moment before she opened the carriage door and caught John in that position ?
29 In terms of man 's relationship to nature the key idea here is that of dominion .
30 A child 's game of hunt the thimble does n't feel creative .
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