Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [modal v] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Institute is greatly encouraged by the success of the scheme to date and the PM 's support will give us added impetus ’ .
2 Ever the optimist , Davies she was saying that the extra 's day 's practice would give her ‘ a headstart over the rest of them ’ .
3 We need to beware of thinking a psychoanalyst 's couch would give us enough excuses either to blow away all our adult responsibilities , or to explain in detail every feature or peculiarity of our present thoughts or behaviour .
4 The first thing to be said is that the ‘ circumstantial variables ’ of a president 's incumbency may give him important advantages .
5 It is a blow to the American who was hoping that yesterday 's inquiry would give him the chance to press for an amendment to the existing whip rules .
6 Furious radio hams feared Mr Reenan 's behaviour would give them all a bad name .
7 The pair 's behaviour will give you a good indication when breeding is imminent .
8 If you 've got a joint account look to see whether closure and transfer of the asset into the wife 's name will give you a better result .
9 Mr Ryabov 's defection will give them enough votes to block the two-thirds majority that is needed to change the constitution .
10 Today 's tour will give you the opportunity to see the Taj Mahal , the tomb built as a testament to love by Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz .
11 A night spent gummed to the plane 's polyester would give me the full story either way .
12 It is fair enough for the councillors to claim the normal allowances , but the hon. Gentleman 's proposition would give them a biased view of what is in the interests of their citizens .
13 When they were little , whenever they had a cut or a graze and had to have the plaster taken off , which was painful , William 's grandad used to give them a treat first .
14 At the end of an hour we suggested a minute of quiet , to see if God 's wisdom would give us any such ideas .
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