Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Time and again we find him casting out unclean spirits from afflicted people : it is one of the well-known characteristics of Mark 's Gospel which on the whole contains little teaching , but a great deal of action by Jesus .
2 Probably we have in our mind 's eye something in the nature of a raffle as being a form of random sampling , and we are right in thinking of this as one method .
3 I have often expressed my view that object-relations exist from the beginning of life , the first object being the mother 's breast which to the child becomes split into a good ( gratifying ) and bad ( frustrating ) breast ; this splitting results in the severance of love and hate .
4 Suddenly he exploded , yelled at the porter to buzz off , and broke union regulations by pushing the children 's luggage himself to the two West Indian women who were meeting them .
5 The third scan came from a patient with Crohn 's colitis who despite the absence of symptoms continued to have persistently abnormal laboratory tests and a scan score of 80.6 .
6 Microphones may be no real answer , but with the exception of Louis Hagen-William 's Porgy and Daniel Washington 's Crown none of the voices had adequate carrying power without them .
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