Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [verb] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The jury 's verdict appeared to have resulted from the acceptance by some of its members that Barry had been unfairly singled out for prosecution , a central tenet of the mayor 's defence strategy .
2 Virginia 's heart seemed to have plummeted into her stomach .
3 Hunter 's committee clearly thought that Vial on his own could not conduct the course , while Morton 's committee appear to have accepted Vial 's claims regarding appointments which apparently he had never held .
4 Arthur Scargill 's influence seems to have diminished , but the trade union world as a whole is far from being convinced that nuclear power is a good thing and that development should be encouraged .
5 Little enough of the borough 's wealth appears to have filtered down to the townsfolk .
6 Ever since it was formed in a merger 55 years ago , ICI 's portfolio has had to change with the times .
7 Although the opposition has no experience of sheltering such a prominent figure underground , Mr Devaty 's move appears to have caught by surprise not only his friends , but the country 's creaky legal machinery , and it may be some time before his non-appearance prompts a full-scale police hunt for him .
8 Whatever the rights and wrongs of this argument , the CNAA 's intervention seems to have benefited Teesside Polytechnic .
9 This year 's shortlist seems to have taken account of this problem .
10 He sighed tiredly , as though he had been working for a full day with stone and timber , and tried to listen to James Menzies , who was well away , drinking whisky with Allan and simmering with the news from the west , where the lists had been torn down from the church doors at Fortingall and Kenmore , and from Blair Atholl : the Duke 's factor had had to meet a crowd of more than a thousand and the Duke had signed a paper swearing not to impose the Act .
11 Aziz 's friend seemed to have gone too .
12 Remarkably , Vlasov 's integrity seems to have made a genuine impression on his Nazi captors .
13 Fortunately , Luke 's anger seemed to have evaporated along with the steam that surrounded them .
14 Andrée 's control seemed to have gone .
15 For example , the Labour Party 's commission appears to have accepted MP Frank Field 's view that the universal state pension could be changed to take account of the growth in occupational and private pensions .
16 Atkinson 's planning appears to have influenced Burn considerably , Blairquhan having the same stepped relationship of asymmetrical main block and a private wing ending in a low tower , a formula which was to be repeated in many Burn houses .
17 There are few direct echoes of the opera in the Study Symphony but the entry of Wagner into Bruckner 's life seem to have had a transforming effect .
18 Sent to Drake Hall Womens Prison in Staffordshire The twenty one year old judge 's daughter appears to have encountered a regime of drugs and drink with stories of sex and easy access according to the Daily Express .
19 His grandmother 's training seemed to have deserted him .
20 The Doctor 's hand appeared to have vanished from the wrist up .
21 The fight against relegation from League Two remains close and Bedford 's win seems to have postponed the day of reckoning until their game at Morley on April 25 .
22 Benjamin 's stomach seemed to have caught up with his memories for he now looked white-faced and confessed he felt queasy .
23 A child 's birthday seems to have lost its magic and has just become another consumer oriented status symbol .
24 Since Britain 's year to spend has coincided with its EC presidency , MEP Patricia Rawlings , decided it would be a good idea to put a selection of the parliament 's contemporary art on view .
25 Julia 's pain seemed to have left her , and she lay seeming to drift in and out of sleep or unconsciousness , Anne could never be sure which , as she sat beside her , wiping her face , or tried to feed her with beef tea from a feeding cup .
26 His sister 's death seemed to have affected him more deeply , though he bore himself with a kind of frightened dignity in front of his father .
27 Her brother 's death seemed to have removed a barrier between them .
28 The brick side-wall of his neighbour 's house seemed to have moved itself four or five feet further towards the dividing fence , so that it loomed offensively .
29 On a commercial note , it may well be that the insertion of a landlord 's break will reduce the market rent obtainable for the property , a fact which will doubtless manifest itself at the time of the first rent review after the landlord 's power to break has become exercisable .
30 Jan. 7 President 's family reported to have escaped to Abu Dhabi .
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