Example sentences of "'s [noun] is [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 One in seven primary-school children now suffers from asthma — but the Government 's response is simply that children who are at risk should be kept indoors when air quality is poor .
2 The real grist of Watchdog 's story is not that all fishtanks are dangerous but that there are tanks on the market made from glass that is far too thin .
3 Indeed , if the effect of the exchange 's rules is only that the member is liable to other members ( or the clearing house ) as a principal , he may actually be dealing as an agent in any event , and his client may be able to read through the contract to the market .
4 The core of Barth 's theology is not that God is in principle unknowable , nor yet that man is an arrogant sinner who , left to himself , will ever be about the business of fashioning golden calves to worship , but that God has crossed the infinite gulf in Jesus Christ to claim man as his friend and partner .
5 Shallis 's proposal is then that events that happen in the Universe may similarly combine in ways that have meaning , in a domain or context that transcends time as we know it .
6 What is ethologically implausible about Ullman 's hypotheses is not that they involve some ( unconscious ) knowledge about material objects and normal viewing conditions , but rather that they assume the perception of rigid objects to be basic , while perception of non-rigid movement is taken to be a more complex special case .
7 Just as the exercise of power is heterogeneous , so is resistance ; Foucault 's point is simply that ‘ there is no single locus of great Refusal , no soul of revolt , source of all rebellions , or pure law of the revolutionary ’ .
8 So Grice 's point is not that we always adhere to these maxims on a superficial level but rather that , wherever possible , people will interpret what we say as conforming to the maxims on at least some level .
9 The ULS Study showed that smaller farms were more labour intensive per unit of land area and the NCC 's concern is mainly that larger units ( especially if bought up by large investors ) are run as ranches with little if any regard to conservation interests or features .
10 A much more likely explanation of Libet 's findings is simply that all experiences are delayed relative to the stimulus causing them , so that synchronous external events produce synchronous experiences .
11 Kahn 's thesis is simply that both because of its profit record and its potential as a brand name , Velcro 's share price should have been a lot higher — in the region of over $40 a share .
12 However , what we surely have on the objector 's view is precisely that the smell of the candles was something that can not possibly be explained .
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