Example sentences of "'s [noun] [noun] and has " in BNC.

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1 The possibility of such interventions may undermine management 's negotiating position and has sometimes meant that the autonomy of the bargaining machinery is more apparent than real : the government rather than management becomes the interlocutor in the last instance .
2 Atkinson wants to sign a striker before next month 's transfer deadline and has placed the North-East duo under scrutiny .
3 Er so it is a different role than the A fifty nine , it is a different er competing routes if you like , but nevertheless it 's still a key er l strategic link in the County Council 's or in the North Yorkshire 's highway network and has been identified as such , both in the structure plan er and also in er the transport policies and program document which is reviewed annually by the County Council .
4 The University ( formerly the City of London Polytechnic ) is in the heart of Britain 's business community and has more than 25 years experience of teaching English for Business Purposes .
5 The Sport and Recreation Department is responsible for the management of the University 's sports facilities and has permanent officers on the Jordanstown and Coleraine campuses and a part-time officer on the Magee College campus .
6 Uncle Richard resembles Edward 's Uncle Harry and has not a little of Dad Uzzell in his make-up , too .
7 Ford is budgeting for only a slight improvement on last year 's 1.6m market and has abandoned hopes of sales reaching 1.74m , while Peugeot Talbot is projecting a standstill .
8 The Womens Artist Slide Library is pleased to announce that it has succeeded in retaining its Arts Council funding for the publication of Women 's Art Magazine and has been offered financial assistance towards the running of the organisation over the next year .
9 It has encouraged the formation of several women 's media groups and has established a regional information network through its journal We Can .
10 VMark Software Inc , Framingham , Massachusetts , has wasted no time in getting its Pick-derived uniVerse ‘ postrelational database management system ’ up under Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT and has been demonstrating it in Atlanta .
11 VMark Software Inc , Framingham , Massachusetts , has wasted no time in getting its Pick-derived uniVerse ‘ postrelational database management system ’ up under Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT and has been demonstrating it in Atlanta .
12 Robert can see Henry 's star quality and has already aligned him with an animal talent agency ( Satch 's Animals ) , although his one date with the cameras so far — for a Lucozade commercial — was n't exactly a smash .
13 The Olympic 100 metres champion has signed a new six-figure deal to head Lucozade 's TV campaigns and has been asked to do everything from race a greyhound to switch on the Oxford Street Christmas lights .
14 He has won four international rallies based on today 's RAC stages and has been rallying almost exclusively in Britain since 1975 .
15 The Freshman Consultancy opened in January 1991 in offices near London 's Euston station and has since moved to Chamber Street in E1 near Tower Hill .
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