Example sentences of "'s [noun] [noun] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Duncan Nichol , the NHS chief executive , told the Guardian yesterday that the Government 's negotiating position is that it wants to split the service so crews with medical skills can earn extra money and non-emergency services can be contracted out .
2 Mr Duncan Nichol , the NHS chief executive , told the Guardian that the Government 's negotiating position is that it wants to split the service so crews with medical skills can earn extra money and non-emergency services can be contracted out .
3 The problem in today 's computer industry is that a company needs to be not just adequately well run but superbly well run to turn in acceptable numbers : Hewlett-Packard Co , now doing over $16,000m of business has 20,000 fewer employees than Digital Equipment Corp , which is still stuck at around $14,500m .
4 Although Mr Patten 's headline message was that no conditions should be attached to MFN at all , his actual text was more subtle .
5 The budget for STC 's relocation exercise was as follows : staff rehousing £520 000 ; redundancy , recruitment and training £358 000 ; temporary relocation expenses and travel allowances £110 000 ; and incentives for temporary retention of staff £55 000 .
6 An example of the prisoner 's dilemma game is as follows :
7 One of the problems of today 's eating habits is that people expect food to last over longer periods .
8 Thus one social argument which might be mobilised in favour of the rule in the Attorney-General 's Reference case is that the savings of medical expenses resulting from conformity with the law are more important than the liberty of individual citizens to engage in fights .
9 Even blindingly obvious and crucial insights do n't usually come instantly — it took us 24 hours to realise that the part-concealed agenda behind IBM 's December closures was that the company was signalling the death of the mainframe , a couple of months to realise that the executive search committee of IBM non-executive directors had n't a clue what it should be looking for in a new chief executive for IBM — because they themselves did n't have the computer industry background they needed to recognise how vital such a background would be to the person assuming the post .
10 The system at Victor 's Dancing Academy was that beginners were taught on the ground floor , then progressed to the ballroom on the first floor when they were proficient .
11 The irony of Labour 's tax proposals is that they would give Britain an income tax profile like that in the United States , where the burden falls hardest on middle income families with children .
12 An embittered Joe Engelberger , the founder of Unimation , believes the reason for America 's robot failure is that ‘ we have bean-counters running our companies .
13 ONE CURIOUS explanation for the mega-success of Spielberg 's adaptation of Peter Benchley 's blockbuster novel is that the mechanical sharks graphically depicted the syndrome psychiatrists call vagina dentata .
14 Mother 's Day competition are as follows : Claire Keay , Glastonbury Close , Spennymoor ; Mrs V. Walker , Craddock Street , Spennymoor ; Mrs J. Smith , Whitworth Terrace , Spennymoor ; Andrew Bushby , Lime Road , Ferryhill ; Liz Britton , Yafforth , Northallerton ; Mrs M. Lee , Arkendale Street , Darlington ; Miss D. Davies , Mendip Grove , Darlington ; Mrs P. Testo , Ashford Avenue , Middlesbrough ; Mrs C. Lowes , Carrhouse Drive , Durham City ; Mrs H. Ward , Leyburn ; Mrs J. Gordon , Starmer Crescent , Darlington ; Miss H. Bradbury , Alderside Crescent , Lanchester .
15 The argument for preserving Shakespeare 's laundry bills is that , eventually , they may find their Sherlock Holmes .
16 The population 's age structure is as follows :
17 Carter 's saving grace was that he was probably one of the most honest , honourable and hard-working presidents to have graced the White House .
18 Adding to IBM 's performance woes is that a demoralised workforce has clearly been freewheeling since John Akers announced in January that he was stepping aside , which will make the job of the new man at the top all the harder .
19 THE immediate impression emerging from the measures announced yesterday for Britain 's coal industry is that 12 pits and one Michael Heseltine have been reprieved .
20 I know from experience that one of the frustrations of being head of the Children 's Book Foundation is that however bright and brilliant Julia Eccleshare 's Children 's Books of the Year is , no one seems to buy it .
21 Kalugin 's Congress seat was that vacated by conservative hardliner Ivan Polozkov following his June election as first Secretary of the new Russian Federation Communist Party [ see p. 37539 ] .
22 One of the most frequent criticisms of the Cadbury committee 's draft recommendations is that they lack an adequate enforcement mechanism .
23 The very essence of the children 's hearing system is that a hearing , once it has jurisdiction in respect of a child , is empowered to examine the child 's entire social background in arriving at a decision as to disposal in the child 's best interests .
24 This album 's minus point is that it 's only 40 minutes long ; its plus point is that none of its songs are even a millimetre below excellent .
25 The last of the poor man 's gold rushes was that directed in 1896 to the confluence of the Yukon and Klondike rivers , Alaska .
26 What is good about this portrait and serves Dick Crossman 's memory well is that Tam Dalyell is so candid with his reservations , despite the contrary pull of loyalty and affection .
27 Mark 's stage system is as follows : The guitar goes , via a Sony Wireless system , to a Pete Cornish Control unit .
28 Dworkin 's starting point is that the content of a particular law is almost invariably open to the interpretation of judges .
29 Steele 's starting point was that slaves as much as all other men were subject to the law of human behaviour which said that conduct could be modified through the deployment of rewards and punishments ; the point of his experiment was to offer rewards to his slaves for defined tasks when in the past they had primarily experienced punishment .
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