Example sentences of "that was [adv] [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 And that was rather less than the effect these fashion fancies had on Third World local economies .
2 A.J. Wilson , the President of the National Deaf Club , and the first deaf person to drive a car back in 1896 , got another ‘ first ’ that was most unwelcome when he became the first deaf driver to fall foul of the road traffic laws and be fined for speeding .
3 Well , I , I 'd say one thing by illustration from our own situation er we were transferring bulk and I felt that was singularly unfair because the members were given a choice .
4 france crashing out at almost exactly 90 minutes with a great goal from kostadinov ( FC Porto , Portugal ) — that was fucking amazing when you think of that they went down to israel also at home in almost the same manner ( the other goals in this match was also a joy to watch — canto who said he never play in paris again was seen playing and scoring at least on my telly )
5 Yes , I mean that 's something that I enjoy doing , it 's , it 's quite a lot of fun in , in , in , in , coming to , to actually research each walk afterwards , er one for example , the Rollright Stones up on the Warwickshire border , that was particularly interesting because there 's quite a , quite a legend surrounding the Stones up there , er then there 's one at er a place called Hampton Gay just off the Banbury road , the Midlands-North railway line er goes quite close to the village of Hampton Gay , and towards the end of the last century there was a major railway disaster on that track killing about er 30 people I think , er so , you know , things like that which are perhaps not er that well known , you , you , you stumble across when you come to do the research .
6 Right , so it will be sel self defeating , job creation in the urban areas will be self defeating and most of the , the reason why that was particularly important because historically most of the job creation schemes that governments have put in place with or without aid in developing countries is in the urban areas , you know , it 's the erm subsidized industrial plants , subsidized erm manu manufacturing industry , right so that the import substitution industries er have been set up with government and or aid money , foreign aid money and what Harrison Todaro was saying you 're wasting your time putting money into these big projects , right , because that only in that only in erm exaggerates th the migration problem because it really will increase people 's perception of er job possibilities in the urban area , they think there are jobs being created by government there , that will happen as another , as another stimulus er let me just draw a little diagram what Harrison Todaro was saying right we 've got time here such to say horizontal axis marks the lifespan of some representative migrant , then you 've got wages , wages in the agricultural area and wages in the urban area like let's just say that this is the wage rate in agriculture , right .
7 and there be twenty eight shillings a week , that 's all I allowed him and because that was even better than labour money and so the day , they , I had to keep that they stopped all me labour , so cos I had the money you see .
8 Because , I suddenly , oh that was even funnier because I was I suddenly went Angie I think we 've got a leak , and it was like all on the , all in my windowsill and sort of like came down and then , luckily , she said she only realized because of what I did last year , leaving my sink on , that it goes through the floor , otherwise , none of what , we would n't have realized .
9 ‘ We have had enquiries in the past about using our facilities , ’ said the spokesman , ‘ but that was not possible until these new machines were up and running .
10 That was probably true since I , also , remembered Old Ginger .
11 But they they , that was n't accurate because it has to go up , to have fifteen kilometres a second .
12 You 've chosen when you want to go , and that was n't difficult because you know that San Antonio is electric right through from April to October .
13 But that was less surprising than that somebody had still been issuing such certificates in the chaos that had been Germany , just three weeks before the final surrender .
14 Yeah that was really good when stand up there
15 Oh we well we enjoyed you being here , Maggi , we enjoyed your company I 'm happy now that was much better than my the one I did last week .
16 I must admit that was quite good cos she 'd got Liz who was
17 That was quite funny because it was our first Christmas down there and I was saying to the housekeeper that I I would n't mind having people come and stay and not a problem because we 've got a lovely cooker and we 're going to bring our microwave down from .
18 Yes , erm well I I 've not done a wedding in a church actually yet , but then I 've only done three weddings , and , but the most interesting one was in a Brock in Glenelg and erm , that was quite exciting because the couple really thought about the service and they had selected that sight because it meant something to them , and involved the whole community and thereabout , and it was great !
19 Tried using popgun after fiasco of toy cannon , he wrote , but that was too violent where other was too weak .
20 They replaced their Hawes with Cabinet at first and then thought that was too dodgy as well , as a cabinet is a small , secluded room .
21 That was too bad cos I said to this bloke .
22 That was still true after Mikhail Gorbachev took over in March 1985 .
23 Clark 's burst saw off the Spanish zone and then a desperate English press reduced the margin to 11 points with seven minutes to go , but that was as close as England were to come .
24 That was as much as he felt he could cope with for a while , but he was soon to be ‘ prevailed upon by government ’ to become chairman of British Steel in double harness with the Tate $ Lyle job .
25 The food filled a hole and that was as much as anyone could say for it , or maybe anything would have tasted like sawdust right then .
26 He would then pass through the kitchen to say an abstracted ‘ good night ’ and that was as much as he said to Melanie , nowadays , although he had never said much more .
27 And that we would issue those summary sheets at a staff meeting and we would go through it at a staff meeting and that that , probably that was as much as we could do
28 That was as far as the Washington consensus on European policy went .
29 That was as far as their success went , though .
30 As she was only about fourteen , we always bought a few dark-red carnations from her , but that was as far as we would go , to her surprise and indignation .
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