Example sentences of "that can be [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That can be done later .
2 Even so , all that can be done here is designate a unit holder under 18 , the child is only a beneficial owner .
3 Even so , all that can be done here is designate a unit holder under 18 , the child is only a beneficial owner .
4 Even so , all that can be done here is designate a unit holder under 18 , the child is only a beneficial owner .
5 All that can be done here is to identify some of the relevant variables , using what must inevitably be a broad brush in their description .
6 That can be done only by putting in place the right conditions to create long-term , permanent jobs , long-term growth and secure jobs .
7 If ideology is the science of ideas , of broad metaphysical or abstract speculation , then the best that can be said here is that Odilon Redon pursued a private visionary agenda .
8 For instance , it arrived in Cambridge in November 1967 : that can be dated almost to the day .
9 That one conception is somehow better than a second , supposing that that can be made out , is of course not the proposition that it is our conception or one of them .
10 All that can be made out is the letter ‘ S ’ , then possible an ‘ E ’ followed by another letter .
11 Applying Pythagorus ' theorem to figure 7.3(b) shows that and subtracting these equations gives in which all but have been measured so that can be calculated readily .
12 For what we are really talking about are merely linguistic symbols and the manner in which such symbols are manipulated within certain contexts , and all that can be detected here are certain similarities .
13 We have some photographs by the way of the er , aircraft , that can be sent round er
14 Now , obviously this is three four four five , and that 's allo that 's available to each person , so if it 's a married couple , they 'll each get that amount , then there 's a married couple 's allowance , which is worth seventeen twenty , and that can be moved either to the male or the female or split er under the regulations as they stand .
15 There 'll be a group making pots out of clay or out of plasticine ; there 'll be a group doing sums ; there 'll be a group working with the microcomputer , and that can be incorporated in to the group work pattern , and it can also be incorporated into the sort of topic and project work that a primary school does .
16 The best that can be achieved then , assuming that the guarantee was given after 11 April 1978 , is a CGT loss claim of £10,000 under s 136(4) ( 11 ) , CGTA 1979 .
17 There are eight studios in major cities and two that can be dragged around in caravans .
18 But that can be granted only to a refugee who is seeking asylum on the ground that the Government might have administered a case improperly and not followed its own rules for processing refugees under a United Nations Convention .
19 No , but he will do the preparatory work and he 's taking photographs now for us , that can be blown up for display purposes and he 's linking with marinas to find equipment so
20 The approved structure plan does n't provide any indication of the way in which that can be broken down .
21 And that can be taken away from you very quickly .
22 So I 'm hoping to work with you to help the are in terms of the Liberal Democrat membership and activism , in a general sense , that can be used later .
23 This aims to produce a new chip architecture comprising a number of interconnectable modules , that can be used individually , or in combination , in single chips .
24 The aim is to produce a new chip architecture comprising a number of interconnectable modules , that can be used individually , or in combination , in single chips .
25 So I would like to leave you with this suggestion that art , better than a scientifically-constructed computer , is a useful analogy for the brain , and that the more that can be found out about the workings of memory , the more usefully shall we be able to understand the links between them .
26 According to Michael Tucker , members facilities at the event ‘ are some of the best that can be found anywhere and what is more the hospitality units not only provide superb views of the Yorkshire countryside , but brings the action to you while you wine and dine . ’
27 It enables good-quality managers and staff to test their services against the best that can be provided elsewhere .
28 What is needed is a transformation — usually called an algorithm — that can be carried out on a key to yield a storage address .
29 The high status of the visitors to Bath , their classical education , complemented by the Grand Tour , again indicates that all that can be recovered probably has been .
30 I think perhaps that can be thrown out because otherwise it 's going to scratch that that nice tin .
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