Example sentences of "that [noun sg] was [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 As an example to the world that the young were powerful , that money was not the be-all and end-all , Apple could hardly have been a bigger failure .
2 That function was not the provision of wholesome food at fair prices .
3 Nevertheless , somehow Rogers and Thomas got the message across that TB was hardly the scourge it once had been and there was really no reason not to laugh at those who were generally prepared to laugh at themselves , although there were serious moments too .
4 No , what blew against my ankles like tumbleweed that afternoon was not the crinkle of Mumm NV but the discarded skin of my former being , my beetle carapace , my sloughed and umber appurtenances .
5 No matter that Foot was easily the most honourable and sane person to occupy the post of leader of a major political party since who knew when — he just looked so gruesome .
6 That talent was presumably the main reason for his appointment , and that 's only right and proper because if there 's one thing England can learn from Bob Dwyer , it is that you sometimes have to be prepared to let a young side lose in the short-term to gain in the long-term .
7 As she came through the side roads to her house she heard a few trial notes on a wind instrument of some sort — a clarinet , was it ? a run of notes that seemed to carry on where the last solitary trill of the bird had stopped , and then a beat , beat , beat of a bass and a drum slowly swinging in , and the band , trying out their numbers high up in a house , lilted together into a piece , melancholy at base with gay little twiddles from the clarinet bravely calling that nightfall was not the end of hope , not a closure — a little bit of swing filtering over back gardens to draw people out , out into the spring night , a beat along the channels of their blood suggesting that this hour , as the light dies , as the dusk creeps along the ground , is not an ending but a beginning .
8 It 's not only the alcohol that 's suffered from self-enforced cutbacks : the Franks ( ironically enough ) used to be a Martini band — any gig , any town , any night , they 'd pack their guitars and socks and head off into the Tranzophobic sunset , until exhaustion fully reared its head and the heart decided that home was definitely the place to be .
9 The House debated the issue about a year ago and reached the conclusion , on a free vote , that that issue was not the highest priority call on the NHS budget .
10 But the getting of that child was not the pleasurable romp she had been led to believe , and her pregnancy was a sick one .
11 Please remember that the navigator at that period was also the second pilot , I considered mine was as good as any on the station — he was included .
12 That meeting was only the beginning of a long series of meetings , retreats and counselling sessions which formed the stepping stones for a return to an authentic Christian experience .
13 And I realised , well I had realised for a long time that dieting was n't the answer for me .
14 an allusion to the Utilitarians , followers of Jeremy Bentham ( 1748–1832 ) , who held that self-interest was always the prime motivating force in human nature .
15 Carol Forfar , head of the Women 's Unit , was keen to stress that teleworking was not the same as homeworking .
16 Burridge cost the Palace £40,000 when he joined the club from Aston Villa , but he became part of the Palace 's best-ever defence , for the 24 League goals conceded in 1978–79 were the lowest for a single season in the club 's history while John 's 21 ‘ clean-sheets ’ that season was also the best-ever by a goalkeeper here .
17 But she recalled Dr Rafaelo 's words , that Miguelito was n't the sort of person to respect a girl 's feelings .
18 IBM UK 's environmental operations chairman , John Gillett , claims however that BATNEEC was indeed the basis for the audit .
19 In this welcoming speech Mr M A Prouten , executive chairman of Brooke Marine , recalled that Searcher was not the first ship to be built at his yard for the Customs Department .
20 This was due to two reasons : large group sizes make it very difficult , ‘ you ca n't organize 30 kids to do clay very easily ’ ; that the type of training of the staff was all very similar , but that training was not the real problem , it was group sizes and lack of resources .
21 He thought he 'd once heard someone saying that about her , but it now seemed that reason was n't the right one : the beach was hardly the place to catch a glimpse of Dr Greenslade , with his black bag and his stethoscope , which he sometimes wore round his neck on the street .
22 Hugh X de Lusignan , count of La Marche , had led the French campaigns against Aquitaine in 1224–5 but in 1241–2 , influenced by his wife , Isabella of Angoulême , played turncoat and defied Louis IX.22 Louis 's successful Taillebourg expedition of that year was perhaps the real turning-point in Capetian-Plantagenet rivalry .
23 That face was not the blank face that Cardiff had expected .
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