Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Once agreed , your interests should take precedence over everything else that may arise in the course of the inspection and report .
2 That may go against the grain for some AGP leaders , who entered politics as advocates of non-violence .
3 " The only incident we know about that may relate to the rest of the set-up is your performance at Winter Marsh .
4 No one can predict whether a serious injury will result in death — that may depend on the victim 's physique , on the speed of an ambulance , on the distance from the hospital , and on a range of other medical and individual matters .
5 But that may change with the release of the £22 million Super Mario film next summer .
6 But all that may end with the drug BB94 .
7 Write down some things you do that may get in the way of a good relationship and that you could improve .
8 It is now the sectors which sponsor investment in track and signalling as well as rolling stock , that must deal with the modernisation of stations , and so on .
9 He added : ‘ That must lie with the parents . ’
10 She said that there could only ever be one true faith , and that must come from the Apostle Peter , the rock upon which the Lord had founded His church and to whom He had given the power to loose and unloose on earth and in Heaven .
11 Initially , a client/server version will allow Progress clients to access HP 3000 servers running Allbase/SQL — that should appear in the second half of this year .
12 Yes , the Government are insisting that the bills are paid on time when the work has been done , and that that should flow through the system from the main contractors to the sub-contractor .
13 Erm , that should go at the very front of your binder , if you really want to keep that information in your binder .
14 That should go to the rescue workers who took great risks to bring out survivors , the skill of the medical teams and the love expressed by those who cared for the injured and bereaved .
15 We believe that that should go to the lowest level .
16 That should change with the decision reached two weeks ago that Sheffield will have to pay for the host broadcasting operation of television .
17 That re , that should relate to the allowances you had before .
18 Given the comments of the right hon. Member for Bath ( Mr. Patten ) , when he was Secretary of State for the Environment , that national parks were the jewels in the crown , does the Minister not think it fair that that should apply to the entire United Kingdom , not least to my constituency which contains Loch Lomond which is facing ecological disaster as a result of the political intransigence of the blockheads in the Scottish Office in Edinburgh ?
19 I can understand the designers ' reasoning , in that the knobs for the front pickup are to the front , and so on , but consciously or subconsciously , guitarists work from the selector switch , and my feeling is that that should point towards the pickup controls currently in use .
20 So , she 's very keen , so she 's coming in quite a bit erm , over the first half term and she hopes that 'll continue during the year , not particularly with just the year eight people but maybe get other people to involve themselves as well .
21 That 'll change on the next record as I 'll have a say in the writing . ’
22 That 'll appear on the bill , ’ said Dagmar sourly , the ever-cynical voice of Paradise Street .
23 that 'll go on the top .
24 He 's looking at doing a me he 's doing a menu of stuff for us so er will that go in , that 'll go in the lift wo n't it ?
25 see that 's gon na , see what I mean , as we go along that 'll fall on the floor that , you 'll have it all over the place , put it away okay , get some petrol now on the way
26 That might seem like the wackiest of wacky ideas but it becomes ever more fascinating as it is explored in a barrage of speculation , invective and anecdotes , all designed to prove that money , in a practical rather than puritanical sense , is the root of all evil .
27 Now , that might seem like the kind of high falutin ’ ideology to which most businesses aspire .
28 Had you thought about how that might look in the public prints ?
29 However desirable , that might fly in the face of everything the 1984 decree was about .
30 That might work with the philosophe who put together the doctrine in the first place but it is unlikely to work with a follower who is able to live with all sons of inconsistencies so long as a few slogans can be repeated again and again .
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