Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is a lot of cellular activity , that may be relevant to behaviour , that does not get translated into action potentials .
2 Erm that may be fine in America but we did n't think it was particularly relevant to this country although there 's nothing to stop anyone patrolling if they want to but we do n't particularly advise it .
3 All of that may be true of various couplets of Hebrew poetry , but it is quite other than what is being urged in this paper .
4 That may be true in general , but the other side of the coin is that Britain expects change in return , and puts on tremendous pressure to get that change , ’ one official said .
5 Erm but we were encouraged of course for it to go er as your savings and er something I heard that , that may be interesting to you er and er he just said to me in this other club , but again we were talking about , I think we 'd talking politics then and we 're not supposed to do it was a church club .
6 That may be satisfied by giving the individual more responsibility or more challenging work .
7 The tape-recording may also preserve a good deal that may be extraneous to the text — coughing , chairs creaking , buses going past , the scratch of a match lighting a cigarette .
8 And that may be okay in a departmental level but when I had an integrated global enterprise operating in integrated fashion around an integrated I T system then clearly I can not afford to allow a failure to actually paralyze the system .
9 If we were just gon na bolt together the two unions then that may be able to be done in a couple of years or so , but if we 're trying to build something better , then we 're talking about a project that takes place over several years .
10 I did n't want to be sarcastic and aggressive , because there were certain basic things I wanted to know , but I ended up saying , ‘ That must be nice for you . ’
11 That must be good for everyone living in Wales who likes opera .
12 That must be complicated for you to accept — belonging nowhere , wanted nowhere .
13 Surely that must be obvious to everyone who met him .
14 I have seen enough already to know that my work on Christabel must be seriously altered in the light of what you have in these letters — I would n't be happy going on without taking them into account — and that must be true of Dr Michell 's work on Ash too , just as true . ’
15 We 've erm completed the grape vine sample cassette now , , so that should be available in the next two or three weeks distribution .
16 That should be good for you .
17 That should be high on your check-list , surely ?
18 Is it really , you 'd thought that 'll be spacious on plane .
19 And that 'll be right on , right on
20 Some pictures mi , and that 'll be animated like that , games would be like that .
21 So really it sounds the sort of thing that 'll be nice for you and I to go really just to get away from the children .
22 And that 'll be good for her as well cos it 'll mean that she 'll meet and Craig
23 That 'll be good in there .
24 That 'll be light to the trouble I 'll be in soon . ’
25 family , yeah and the children I expect that 'll be interesting for them , cos I quite imagine he would of meet many English children knocking around really , cos the situation is he went
26 There 's a , there 's an Indian drama on B B C two with English subtitles , it 's in Hindi , that 'll be interesting for you .
27 He said well I give you that Avenger estate he said cos I thought you were building your house , that 'll be handy for you you know yeah you did and you let me down badly !
28 So , but what I 'm saying is you 've got a twelve here and oh well that would n't make no difference cos she 'll have that back , that 'll be ready for them na yeah well then we got a twelve there as well !
29 That 'll be alright on Esther Rantzen or something like that .
30 Oh that 'll be alright for er assessing
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