Example sentences of "as being [vb pp] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Sections 157 and 158 Capital Allowances Act 1990 should also apply so that assets in respect of which Target has been claiming capital allowances are treated as being transferred to Newco at their tax written down value .
2 One sort of explanation sees such practices as permanent employment and seniority wage systems as being related to Japan 's unique cultural traditions and the carry-over to modern industry of patterns of social relationships and obligations which characterised feudal Japan.7 Other , perhaps more convincing , approaches ( as these practices are not characteristic of smaller-sized firms ) see them as an employer response to the exigencies of the labour market and as a control device to elicit and reward loyal workforce behaviour ( Jacoby , 1979 ) , since lifetime employment is not a practice of very long standing in Japan .
3 No. 21E ( formerly 46 ) is recorded as being sent to Charlton Works for an annual overhaul in October 1933 and returned to Thornton Heath in ‘ L.C.C .
4 As well as being attached to St Andrews University , Dr Burness is a visiting research fellow at Glasgow University .
5 London Transport 's records show Nos. 5E-16E and 18E , 20E as being sold to Cohen 's for scrapping on 9 May 1934 .
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