Example sentences of "as well as [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The ruler bar contains the most used functions — buttons for tab types , ellipses , justification , line spacing and so forth , as well as underlining and super/subscript and columns formats .
2 Cosmas and Damien 's murders are meant to torture and punish us as well as unnerve and divert us from our true mission .
3 This has meant attempting to diversify energy imports with regard to the nature and the location of sources as well as achieving and maintaining the best possible balance between stability and flexibility in supply arrangements .
4 The episode had become part of family lore , as well as suggesting that the best place to be was Trazior itself .
5 James Ballingall , manager of the London and Kirkaldy Shipping Company and a former seaman , made it his business to advertise weaknesses of naval architecture as well as crewing and a Select Committee of 1836 found British ships to be ill constructed and badly maintained and their masters and officers frequently drunken and incompetent .
6 They also hold tutorials and seminars , and comment on students ' written work , as well as setting and marking examinations .
7 A central part of the new curriculum is about talking and listening , as well as reading and writing .
8 Most lowland farmers keep some dairy cattle and rear calves as well as wintering and fattening sheep and lambs .
9 Upon the Palace being accepted into the 1st Division of the Southern League , Woodger continued to progress as a valuable goalscorer , as well as developing and displaying a full range of skills .
10 When some curriculum content is selected , the teacher has to decide how pupil learning is to be assessed , as well as recorded and communicated ( e.g. , to parents ) .
11 Educational visits involve doing and experiencing , as well as looking and listening .
12 They have recently introduced two one-day courses : an Introduction to Decorative Paint Finishes covers dragging and stippling , as well as colourwashing and sponging ; an Introduction to Painted Furniture covers the basic techniques of antiquing , simple faux finishes and preparation .
13 Local centre events were often challenging as well as rewarding and perhaps none more so than South Cumbria 's ‘ Operation Isolate ’ .
14 Workbook : as well as revising and extending grammar and vocabulary , this book includes many new authentic reading passages and four new Progress Tests .
15 The intention is that students of elaborate structures in language should be able to construct them as well as receive and consume them , if only to achieve a better understanding of how poems are made .
16 Even in these circumstances , where one might expect unemployed people to be net receivers , McKee shows that they give as well as receive and the list of what they give looks remarkably similar to the list of items which they receive .
17 Yet it is quite possible to change the feeling of space cosmetically , that is by the clever use of colour , pattern , texture and arrangement , all of which can make space seem much larger as well as unifying and simplifying it .
18 What is more , by using a more polite or polysyllabic manner of discourse , you will be telling the client so ; as well as implying that you are a loftier being which does not make for rapport .
19 As well as knowing and understanding the work covered , pupils are required to develop skills in problem-solving and practical techniques and will be assessed in all three aspects .
20 The Commission 's substantive decisions and the level of fines it imposes are subject to review by the European Court of First Instance , which is given power to increase fines as well as to cancel or reduce them .
21 But routine policing in a divided society also constitutes an important substantive topic in its own right , for it provides an additional dimension to the analysis of routine policing , as well as expanding and clarifying our understanding of what divided societies are like .
22 Parents need to listen as well as to talk and to let it be seen that they recognize the teenager 's viewpoint , even when they take an opposite view .
23 Chemical water conditioners will now deal with chlorine , ( and many also claim chloramine ) as well as removing or making harmless some metals .
24 The charity still continues but as well as maintaining and providing extras for the school , grants are given for further education or books .
25 Young children commonly react to the birth of a brother or sister by becoming naughty and demanding , as well as clinging and tearful .
26 There is also er as , as well as recognizing that there are some things that perhaps we might have er concluded , but because of the er nature of the definition have fallen outside inclusion of this report .
27 As well as reviewing and commenting on major political and economic events , German Brief keeps its readers informed on likely developments within key sectors of German industry .
28 But to Dustin 's credit he recognised it as a role in which he could immediately dissociate himself from the whole ‘ image ’ concept of acting , as well as prove that , ‘ I was a character actor , not just this nebbish kid that Nichols found .
29 Altogether , during the outward voyage and the return passage around Cape Horn , Gould , as he described in his introduction to the Birds of Australia , ‘ was enabled to obtain nearly forty species of petrel , being the finest collection of Procellaridae ever brought together ’ , as well as examining and preserving numerous other species that came by chance to hand .
30 In the letter from the Secretary of State which the hon. Member for Devon , North ( Mr. Speller ) read out , as well as saying that differences are likely to arise because of different clinical views , he said that they may arise because of different local circumstances .
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