Example sentences of "as she [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
2 There is hardly any chance of her surviving as she is in the long term so we hope she will be able to have the transplant soon . ’
3 Contented as she was with the house , Virginia was always to cast a glance over her shoulder at her sister , living just five miles away at Charleston .
4 Unfamiliar as she was with the niceties of English social life , she wondered why she should be surprised .
5 There were still huge crowds of people hanging around the paddock , and Kate had quite a time , burdened as she was with the luggage , to push her way through .
6 Anxious as she was about the neighbours , she could n't help laughing as she hurried downstairs .
7 She had never been so aware of anyone as she was of the powerful man who had entered her life so abruptly .
8 She was unbearably aware of the tensile strength of his incipient beard beneath the shaven smoothness of his jaw , just as she was of the aroused hardness of his body , controlled , contained but testifying to his rampant masculinity in a way that was driving her to abandon the last remaining threads of self-control .
9 As soon as she was on the road she began to run .
10 As long as she was on the train she was safe .
11 Juliet smelled them as soon as she was inside the house .
12 And Anna was getting restive , dazzled as she was by the new prospect .
13 Then the tense silence was broken by a frightened whimper from Louise , held helpless as she was by the paralysing steel-fingered grip on her neck .
14 Devastated as she was by the news of Liz and Owen 's terrible accident — and the knowledge that their lives were hanging by a thread — she was also feeling dazed and stunned at her husband 's dramatic reappearance in her life .
15 Very much shaken as she was by the assault , she nevertheless would not have voluntarily given up her job — but she did not get the choice .
16 It was not her first transatlantic flight , as she was in the French team last autumn in Washington , New York and Toronto , where Miss Ledermann rode her into second place in the World Cup round , behind Britain 's Tina Cassan and Genesis .
17 She could not leave the house as she was in the middle of making our evening meal .
18 Charlie came in as she was in the middle of her obstetrical details , and , though now fairly accustomed to the patients , he was slightly taken aback .
19 The elderly voice , half a challenge and half a tease , came down the telephone to Molly as she was in the middle of giving Jacqueline her supper .
20 Hannah may have gone without most of the comforts that people take for granted , but at least she had emotional warmth and stability , wrapped as she was in the cocoon of a caring family — her mother , her grandparents , and for a little time her tragic father , all around her .
21 As soon as she was in the sack , it was a sack then , you wont get them now .
22 As soon as she was in the sack , she was as quiet as a lamb .
23 As soon as she was in the bag ,
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