Example sentences of "as she [verb] him into " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You know Howard , do n't you ? ’ she says , as she levers him into conversations at parties .
2 He strode on ahead of her , rather than waiting for her to join him as he would normally have done , and the slightly calculated rudeness had her frowning as she followed him into his office .
3 She felt very vulnerable and awkward as she followed him into the room .
4 Rachel got to her feet , pen and notepad in hand , forcing herself to keep her disintegrating professional cool as she followed him into his luxurious modern office overlooking the city .
5 ‘ You 're in here , ’ Ven remarked , taking up her case and heading for the door on the left of the French windows — and as she followed him into a pleasant bedroom , ‘ With luck , by the time you 've unpacked , the waiter will be here with some tea . ’
6 ‘ Think about nice things ! ’ she would say to Henry as she tucked him into bed at night .
7 ‘ You implied to Belinda that there had n't been anyone in your life since Jennifer , ’ said Rachel as she led him into her kitchen .
8 A blast of warm smoky air struck Meredith 's face as she preceded him into the one large room inside .
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