Example sentences of "as she [verb] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The weird notion that she might be in danger of actually becoming one day as perfect as she seemed added a ghastly charm to her reflections , as she continued to envisage various methods of killing Jack .
2 But almost as soon as she had crossed the Channel , Leslie began to feel ill and off-colour .
3 Daniel had been offering to lend her his favourite book of poetry as she had developed a liking for it .
4 Although the Liverpool scheme collapsed shortly after her death , as she had trained no successor and there was no one suitable to replace her , she had proved the importance of professional workhouse nursing , and in 1879 the Workhouse Infirmary Nursing Association was formed .
5 However she was honest enough to feel that , as she had begun the courting by sending him the valentine , she ought not to refuse him now .
6 As she sat over a pot of tea in a quiet café she reminded herself that it was really expecting too much to find a flat as quickly as she had landed a job .
7 As she had said the pot was a present she did not stop the woman gift-wrapping it in lavish style .
8 Ianthe had always wanted a house of her own and as soon as she had shut the door behind her she forgot the lonely homecoming in the pleasure she still felt at seeing her furniture and possessions in their new setting .
9 Jennie called me into the office and said that I could n't go as she had received a letter from my mother .
10 As soon as she had given the injection she massaged the area briskly to help the dispersal of the drug .
11 Bringing him food as she had done every day of his imprisonment .
12 She moved with natural grace , gliding between the tables , approaching customers who showed an interest to give them an extra twirl , unbuttoning the little figure-hugging jacket and posing with her hand on her waist , rucking up the jacket slightly to display the blouse underneath as she had seen the professional models do .
13 Mrs Frizzell hastily drew in her stomach , tucked in her tail , and posed with her rake , just as she had seen the Hudson 's Bay Company model do when showing pants .
14 But she had known as soon as she had seen the glazed eye that this was death .
15 ‘ You have n't exactly had a peaceful birthday ! ’ she 'd reminded Laura , who 'd smiled as she had recalled the twins ' boundless energy , which had left the two adults feeling quite exhausted at the end of the day .
16 Pilate 's wife sent him a message begging him to have nothing to do with Jesus as she had experienced a bad dream because of him .
17 As she had told no one except her boyfriend that she was pregnant , it came as a shock to her family .
18 Although only sixteen , she was not much shocked by his attempts , but she was alarmed by her own lack of response , for she did not fancy him nearly as much as she had fancied the infinitely tedious Higginbotham .
19 His mother had been crying as she had rifled the house for money for him , and as she had made sandwiches to put in greaseproof paper because it would be dangerous for him to stop at cafés on his way to the airport .
20 Even as she spoke those words Diana must have known that she had left behind her bachelor persona as soon as she had entered the Palace portals .
21 And , as soon as she had paid the driver and he had gone on his way she stood for some moments , looking at Ven 's house , photographing it in her mind 's eye because she knew — she would never come this way again .
22 The waiter would distract her , especially as she had ordered the meal and was obviously paying , and anyway she almost certainly had n't heard the waiter approaching .
23 It was darker inside the cottage than she had expected , and as soon as she had opened the door , she knew that there was something terribly wrong .
24 But now Lizzie 's insurance company have said they 'll do what they can for her , but as she had opened the door into the oncoming traffic , probably was her fault .
25 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
26 As soon as she had put the telephone down , she headed for the door .
27 She enjoyed its lack of significance , much as she had enjoyed the bleak and dirty corridors of Battersby Grammar School when she was eleven years old .
28 Which , if she 'd thought about it , she realised she should have done as soon as she 'd seen the dog making for her — rather than idiotically go forward the way she had .
29 She had n't been able to prevent herself from burying her face in the soft wool — and almost groaning out loud in agony as she 'd inhaled the strongly male , musky scent of his cologne .
30 Unable to keep up the pretence any longer , she 'd told her friend the whole , disastrous story behind her stay in New York , only withholding her fears about a possible pregnancy as she 'd related the disastrous sequence of events .
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