Example sentences of "as she [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ashi smiled as she knotted it at her throat .
2 He sat on the edge of her desk , watching as she tidied it without really thinking about what she was doing .
3 Then he pushed everything from his mind as she touched him between his legs .
4 I remember once thinking my mother was stark raving bonkers as she regaled me with a tale of the time she scrimped for six months to buy a pair of elbow length , white kid evening gloves , which set her back the equivalent of two weeks ' wages .
5 But , as she recognised him from yesterday , so she knew that he had recognised her too .
6 But as she seized it in her hand , before her horrified eyes the dried petals fell away and fluttered to the floor , scattering like confetti at her feet .
7 ‘ They 've got no consideration , ’ Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke stormed as she met us with a supply of dusters and aerosols and impregnated cloths .
8 She could never ignore them as she passed them on the street , and they , as if they sensed it , turned to her , picking her out at once from a throng of a hundred other pedestrians as the one who saw and heard them .
9 She greeted their neighbours absentmindedly as she passed them in their yards , her mind occupied with the new argument against the shoes .
10 Hubert James Bainbridge , tenth earl of Donnington , called out to his daughter as she passed him on the opposite side of the street , but she did not hear him .
11 He was ready now , and had his hand held out for the instrument , lightly brushing her fingers accidentally as she passed it to him .
12 ‘ I do n't think there 'll be any problem , ’ he assured Barbara as she drove him to Rosington station ; he had n't slept the night before .
13 ‘ I suppose so , ’ she admitted reluctantly , eyes carrying a teasing glint as she lifted them to his .
14 ‘ Do n't panic again , ’ he grinned , flattening her lower arm back on the deck at right angles to her elbow , catching her other arm as she lifted it in protest , and pushing it flat on her other side .
15 ‘ You know Howard , do n't you ? ’ she says , as she levers him into conversations at parties .
16 He strode on ahead of her , rather than waiting for her to join him as he would normally have done , and the slightly calculated rudeness had her frowning as she followed him into his office .
17 She felt very vulnerable and awkward as she followed him into the room .
18 Rachel got to her feet , pen and notepad in hand , forcing herself to keep her disintegrating professional cool as she followed him into his luxurious modern office overlooking the city .
19 ‘ You 're in here , ’ Ven remarked , taking up her case and heading for the door on the left of the French windows — and as she followed him into a pleasant bedroom , ‘ With luck , by the time you 've unpacked , the waiter will be here with some tea . ’
20 As she followed him to the back of the shop , Sophie remembered with sharp dismay the appointment she had made with Dawn .
21 He said it lightly but as she followed him from the staff-room she was aware that her heart had begun to beat very fast .
22 He looked so gorgeous that she tripped as she reached him in her high red heels , and landed against his hard chest with a gasp of shocked pleasure .
23 She was more than halfway through the set before she managed to screw up enough courage to glance down at Adam 's table , and her heart turned to cold stone as she spotted him in his usual seat , his dark eyes staring at her with their disturbing lack of expression .
24 Lisa nodded , swallowing , wishing she could believe that with her heart as she believed it with her head .
25 There was a loud crunching of gears as she forced it into reverse again , then sent the car hurtling again into the now stationary Audi , shunting it several yards further back .
26 Telling the story , as she imagined it of the mad wife .
27 The popular myth paints a homely picture of the Queen Mother ducking around Diana as she schooled her in the subtle arts of royal protocol while the Queen 's senior lady-in-waiting , Lady Susan Hussey took the young woman aside for tuition in regal history .
28 ‘ Think about nice things ! ’ she would say to Henry as she tucked him into bed at night .
29 ‘ I 'll be working like a Trojan for the next twelve weeks , ’ Lisa smiled back as she thanked him for the coffee .
30 It took only minutes for Lubor to drive her to her hotel , but as she thanked him for lunch and he handed her back her parcel , he replied , ‘ Lunch was a happy time for me also , ’ and did n't waste a moment to enquire , ‘ Shall we have a happy dinner together this evening ? ’
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