Example sentences of "as he [verb] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once Tam darted a terrified glance over his shoulder and saw Kim sprawled across the writing-table ; white faced and trembling from head to toe , he had his eyes closed and his fists were clenched tight as he summoned up every last ounce of courage in his eleven-year-old body to endure his father 's beating without weeping or crying out .
2 I did n't even look up as he went up the ramp into the street , so I 'm still not sure when he passed out of the garden and into the rest of the world .
3 The following day it was revealed that Bering had chipped a bone in a knee during the race , but such was the power of his acceleration as he took up the running that he could hardly have been affected until the very final stages .
4 Thinking of the crystal spaces , the lines of Kubla Khan unfolded naturally before him as he dawdled up the long terrace of decaying houses .
5 Reporters and police rushed for cover , watching Janotte as he ran up the banks of a nearby gully .
6 ‘ Must be a moral there somewhere , ’ he mused , as he ran up the gangplank .
7 The cavalry officer pushed a hand through his long golden hair as he ran up the house steps .
8 The gunman looked around him wildly and the crowd parted as he darted up a narrow alleyway .
9 Moran looked stern and self-conscious as he drove up the short avenue .
10 It was a collection she had last seen in the hands of William Fosdyke , Signor Fixit , as he locked up the house after her first visit .
11 Store manager Richard Northover was dumped there by the two masked raiders who 'd kidnapped him as he locked up the Woolworths store .
12 Slit-eyed against the blinding rain , he hurled his weight forward as he powered up a ridge , the rear wheel tearing at shale and mud .
13 She could hear Penry moving about upstairs as he made up the other bed .
14 As soon as he hung up the phone , he started to pack a few things .
15 A lifeguard ran up to him , as he strode up the sand amid applauding spectators , and said , ‘ Hell , you 're not even out of breath , are you ? ’
16 ‘ George Vicente Brown goin' be one dead son of a beetch , ’ Miguelito swore as he struggled up the bank .
17 Resigning herself to the inevitable , she walked quietly alongside him as he kept up a running commentary on all they passed or saw .
18 Graham asked casually as he zipped up the holdall .
19 Roger North , the young Surrey allrounder , is the hero , with strong love interest , and a climax to tempt film-makers as he climbs up the gasholder at The Oval with the villain .
20 It was also noticed that he ceased to whistle unconsciously as he walked up the aisle from the vestry .
21 Information and Planning , he was thinking as he walked up the ramp , shoulders stooped to further alter his appearance .
22 DETECTIVES are hunting the killer of a friendly bus driver gunned down as he walked up the driveway to his North-East home .
23 ‘ More bloody stale bread and cheese , ’ said Tommy morosely , but Charlie was far too hungry to complain as he scooped up every last crumb with a wet finger .
24 I left Taff at the entrance to the farm and watched him as he continued along the road then , as he clambered up the grass bank and disappeared among the trees , I turned into the farm .
25 ‘ I needed a break from routine rather badly , ’ he said as he drew up a chair and sat down .
26 He knew that the archer would have to load and winch his bow , so he rose and ran with all his force , clearing the trees , almost breathless as he stumbled up the muddy causeway leading to the main abbey gate .
27 But despite his willingness to collaborate with this tall , blond , handsome editor and publisher with his square , even teeth invariably clamped over fat Turkish cigarettes and whose ice-blue eyes sometimes narrowed as he weighed up the profit or nuisance value of a potential contributor , Vaughan regarded Lehmann critically , detecting mistrust and calculation behind the editor 's apparent kindness and friendliness .
28 ‘ Do n't fancy marching in this heat , ’ remarked the driver as he started up the engine and we sped off in the direction of the Orne bridges .
29 He ran to his car , calling back to Aunt Nellie as he started up the engine : ‘ Ring up the A.A. box at Begwith and tell them to try and stop her . ’
30 As he started up the car and we made our way further round the island , Robins explained , ‘ They 're good sports , but every new face is welcome .
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