Example sentences of "as it must have done " in BNC.

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1 The legendary wealth of the Incas sounded almost as unlikely , as marvellous to me as it must have done to Pizarro and his cohorts , many of whom were peasants drawn from an arid future in Estremadura .
2 The kitchen is particularly fascinating with its full array of cooking equipment looking much as it must have done in the 18th Century .
3 Boscastle is a truly delightful place , which looks very much the same as it must have done 600 years ago with its narrow winding streets and pretty 14th-century cottages .
4 It stands solidly still , much as it must have done in the eighteen hundreds , though minus :
5 The bay to his left was labelled ‘ Fiction A-H ’ , and to his right was the cash desk looking much the same as it must have done on the day the shop was first opened .
6 Instead , it perhaps sees its bulging coffers as sufficient reason to risk the wrath of the law , as it must have done at Fangdale Beck .
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