Example sentences of "as it have done [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Life went on at home much as it had done for years .
2 The crusaders had returned to their interstellar castle — which flew onward from nowhere to nowhere just as it had done for many millennia , and must continue to do for many millennia more .
3 The house looked as it had done for three centuries ; Lord Cumbermound was in no doubt that it would manage another three .
4 ‘ Yes , ’ Frau Nordern sat bolt upright and gave Marx her commanding glare which , however , did not have quite the same effect on him as it had done on the Duty Officer .
5 Having seen Faldo retain the title in 1990 , Woosnam was aware that lightning could strike twice , metaphorically on this course as well as literally , as it had done on Saturday and threatened to do again yesterday .
6 It was strange to Fenella to know that presently the night would begin to die and that the pale grey and pink streaks of the new day would start to lighten the sky as it had done on Renascia before the Star Maps changed and the Dark Lodestar had sent out its hungry beckoning .
7 The British still believed themselves to retain ‘ shared values ’ which the debate over a national educational curriculum in the 1980s helped stimulate anew , as it had done in the French Third Republic after 1875 .
8 However , Europe made it clear that it would continue to defer to the leadership of the United States in the ‘ peace process ’ , as it had done in the 1970s .
9 NICRA probably meant to register its protest but to stop short of an actual confrontation , as it had done in Dungannon .
10 The population of the capital grew dramatically in the 18th and 19th centuries , just as it had done in the 17th , and despite the fact that its death rate was higher than the national average .
11 The game exploded into life very much as it had done in Glasgow .
12 The message was clear : Beijing University had a special character and wanted to go its own way , as it had done in the past , and lead other universities in the process .
13 The two and a half second ticking sequence sounded exactly as it had done in the sonar room .
14 Held 2–8 March , the fair enjoyed twice as much space in its new premises , the Grand Palais , as it had done in its former venue , the basement of the Hotel George V. Still an all-French affair despite the eagerness of foreign galleries to get in , this year 's Salon was the first to include nine contemporary dealers , including Gerald Piltzer who made a last minute decision to join in .
15 When human life could be expected to last two or three times as long as it had done in the Middle Ages , great changes were bound to occur in the way men thought about themselves .
16 But much more was needed , and in 1542 the government resorted , as it had done in 1522 , to a forced loan .
17 The Imperial ambassador reported that the willing lenders never expected to see their money again : their pessimism was justified , since Parliament remitted all obligation on the King to repay , just as it had done in 1529 .
18 The room turned , as it had done in the parties of her youth .
19 After the war the industry was too depressed to re-equip itself as it had done in 1804 .
20 But American imperialism was on the alert to intervene as it had done in the past ’ ( Roy : 1964 , p. 346 ) .
21 Except that they did not go , as promised , to the Rotunda , but went instead to a rival attraction advertised in Saunder 's News-Letter & Daily Advertiser : one , indeed , which ensured that Monsieur Jerricault 's Great Picture did not triumph in Dublin as it had done in London .
22 The USA had been under great pressure not to veto the sending of a UN mission , as it had done in May following the Rishon Le Zion massacre of Palestinian labourers [ see p. 37443 ] .
23 A censure motion introduced on Oct. 26 by the conservative opposition parties to protest against an " unrealistic " budget obtained only 261 of the 286 parliamentary votes necessary to defeat the government ; the Communist party abstained , rather than voting with the right as it had done in an earlier censure motion , in June 1992 [ see pp. 38977-78 ] .
24 Inflation would have some good effects , they felt ; it would impoverish the rentiers , reduce the burden of the national debt ( as it had done in France after World War I ) and transfer purchasing power to successful new businessmen and workers .
25 Throughout the seventeenth century , and far into the eighteenth , the issue of precedence continued to arouse strong feeling and generate disputes as it had done in earlier generations .
26 Jerusalem occupied the centre of this sacred universe , as it had done among the Jews .
27 And as long as it 's done with joy , then it is acceptable worship .
28 The place appears exactly as it has done through the ages , the only signs of man 's intrusion being a ruined bothy , an insecure footbridge and the thin track worn by hardy walkers .
29 Today it still has a market as it has done since 1255 and retains its lively and bustling atmosphere .
30 The fund claimed that the NSF was breaking the law by burning food waste in an incinerator , as it has done since October 1991 , without first preparing an environmental impact statement .
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