Example sentences of "as the [noun] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He had got as far as the packaging and labelling them at his premises prior to taking them to the ship .
2 These spring from the same points as the diagonals and divide the four large compartments into smaller ones .
3 When clothes were put on a kouros the forward step made for play between stuff and limb ; the forward step and skirt pulled aside were combined in the creation , in the second half of the century , of a new type almost as regular as the kouros and known to us as kore , girl .
4 As well as the Gazelle and Scout helicopters of G58 Squadron , 7 Regiment Army Air Corps comprises 656 Squadron with a flight of Gazelles and one of Lynx anti-tank helicopters , and 2 Flight with their six Gazelles .
5 The USSR employs about five times as many farm workers as the US and invests about five times as much as does US farming annually , yet Soviet output is only 80 per cent that of the U S A. Again like any bureaucratic system of production , risk-taking is never rewarded and hence there is no premium put on innovation .
6 Anthony Morris , QC , told Manchester Crown Court that Mr Foster died because he had the ‘ misfortune ’ to have been at the same secondary school as the gunman and had known him well for four years .
7 There 's no trouble is it really , just the morning as well as the afternoon and collecting Christopher as well
8 All my abdominal bloating symptoms disappeared as well as the indigestion and heartburn that I always used to suffer .
9 He began writing to his friends : The life is as much a fiction as the poetry and becomes a kind of secondary creation against which the primary one may be read .
10 Roll out in the same way as the marzipan and use to cover all four towers .
11 In one version it is the highly particularized action of networks of people in the network of streets that is Dublin on one day and another , suggested to us as early as the title and continued through innumerable associations and hints , it is a vast and teeming world through which and erratic journeying is taking its course in space and time , inner and outer .
12 Will my right hon. Friend take no lectures from the Labour party on short-termism , as its short-term policies will last only as long as the election and change for every by-election —
13 Typically , the changes discussed include such examples as the lengthening and backing process that led to ‘ broad ’ [ a ] in the RP class of dance , path and the rounding after [ w ] that led in mainstream accents to present-day wasp , swan ( many British English dialects do not have either the ‘ broad ’ [ a ] or rounding after [ w ] ) .
14 The consultant needs to see the relatives as well as the patient and take time to explain what the treatment is for , what its effects are and about the side-effects .
15 In this case the user only needs to specify the bucket size required from the alternatives provided , as the formatting and addressing have already been carried out by the manufacturer .
16 Suggest he advances as far as the stream and stops them there , but make it a tactful suggestion .
17 Film makers from Television Trust for the Environment will be producing the TV documentary on the " greenhouse effect " , to be launched at the same time as the book and shown by Central TV .
18 Sean recalled : ‘ I suddenly found myself on the same side as the shark and got out of the water as fast as I could .
19 There was colossal opposition to these developments at the planning stage , but local people 's views were generally ignored by the Tory administration of the day , who basically held the same values as the developers and permitted the schemes .
20 Twice as large as the Atlantic and getting on for three times the size of the Indian Ocean , it is bigger than all the land surface of the earth , including Antarctica , and with Africa counted twice .
21 Ruth got as far as the doorway and stopped dead .
22 The country 's elite have already been sounded out by Taylor to scrap appearance money , as well as the win and draw bonuses that have existed since Don Revie 's era .
23 They do this because they are not as quick as the opposition and want to give themselves as much time as possible to play the ball , no matter that they also give the other player more time .
24 The Roraima survivors described burning rum running down the streets and even into the sea , spreading out as far as the ship and causing small fires on her .
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