Example sentences of "as there is [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It would be unreasonable to expect easy co-operative motion along the entire polymer chain , but as there is normally some degree of flexibility in the chain , local segmental motion can take place more readily .
2 The warmth of this bag comes from its insulations and construction as there is very little loft to trap warm air .
3 The name documentation is deceiving as there is very little paperwork and the department 's tools are computers and the software packages MINISIS and QUIXIS .
4 Does my right hon. Friend accept that he has considerable sympathy on this side of the House and in the country , especially as there is now some doubt about whether the judge had the power to make the order that he made ?
5 Could you please advise me on this matter as there is so little literature available on skin allergies and pigmentation .
6 Qualified conductors work a compulsory nineteen hours a week , but most work up to thirty hours as there is so much to do .
7 It is not a strenuous walk , nor is it a walk to be hurried as there is so much to see .
8 The Discovery Holiday is very popular with first time visitors to Amsterdam as there is so much to see and do in the City , it is sometimes difficult to know where to begin .
9 There is really no need to be bored these days as there is so much going on .
10 For David Sharland in Zaire , and for wisdom for the mission as there is so much tension in that country .
11 ANOREXIA NERVOSA is an eating disorder which has become an increasing problem over recent years especially as there is so much pressure these days to be ‘ thin ’ .
12 As there is never enough money to do all the BDA wants to do the Association was fortunate during the years 1982–1988 to be able to take advantage of the Manpower Services Commission 's scheme of placing unemployed people in short-term work for the benefit of the community .
13 It is ideal if concreting can be carried out during one day as there is then less likelihood of a leak appearing .
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