Example sentences of "as they [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If and when re-unification came about , the Four Powers would lift their hand from the city as they lifted it from ‘ Germany as a whole ’ .
2 This often seemed to be taken to excess and getting drunk or ‘ blind drunk ’ was described as common practice , at least within their world as they revealed it to us .
3 Sometimes the Ashleys mixed their French and English friends with amusing results , such as the occasion when they invited Terence Conran and his wife Caroline , the cookery writer , who were inveighed against by their French dinner companions , claiming it was an audacity for the English to write about food as they knew nothing about it .
4 Painting was to become intellectual , and the painters would depict the world not as they saw it , but as they knew it to be .
5 ( Apart from these Yiddish songs , Judaism did not really have any modern music of its own , its practitioners — Mendelssohn , Meyerbeer , Rubinstein , Schonberg , for example — all incorporated the best as they saw it from the past .
6 Medley is ‘ everywhere infinitely a picture ’ ; Lockleigh , ‘ as they saw it from the gardens , a stout grey pile , of the softest , deepest , most weather-fretted hue , rising from a broad , still moat … a castle in legend ’ , is another ‘ noble picture ’ .
7 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
8 ‘ Guest room 's good enough for him tonight , ’ Fiona grunted as they swung him onto the bed and dropped him .
9 It squeaked and jingled on its hinges as they swung it behind them .
10 His hands dangled over the sides of the wheelchair as they took him to the salon to meet the Bishop .
11 Some played up to the queue even more than I did , and at times it was quite a pantomime as they expressed themselves in their broken English with much arm waving and competitive claims .
12 As they bundled her down the stairs she must have fainted , because the next thing she could recollect was being wheeled along an endless corridor that smelled of disinfectant .
13 As they served themselves from the many little dishes , Maura surveyed her companion .
14 He turned to face her then , his eyes intent as they met hers for one long minute , and she had the strangest feeling that he was trying to look inside her soul .
15 Above all , she recalled the pride and happiness in Ludovico 's eyes as they met hers in the swirling crowd .
16 Then she heard all of them , crashing through brush and low branches as they followed her towards the road .
17 The central figure is the child , Little Nell , who deeply engaged the sympathies of contemporary readers as they followed her through the hardships of her pilgrimage , made in company with the senile grandfather whom she strives to protect , from the London curiosity shop to the sanctuary of a village where her sufferings end in a peaceful death .
18 Lizzie and Henry again looked at each other as they followed her into the room , and sat on the couch .
19 He was dressed in a wide-sleeved ceremonial gown of dark silk and a soft hat embroidered with coloured threads partly hid his face from Lan and her brothers as they followed him through the doorway , walking barefoot between their father and mother .
20 The challenge which Gandhi posed to the British , as they perceived it at the time , was not to their consciences but to their authority .
21 Ronni cast him a glance , as they seated themselves at opposite sides of the table .
22 But as they seized her by the mantle , she shook it from her shoulders , folded two of her children in her arms and floated away through a window , never more to be seen by her husband and the two children she had left behind .
23 The monstrous arrogance of a Henry VIII , the pathological need for flattery of an Elizabeth , may suggest that this was a side of kingship which was in danger of taking monarchs out of touch with reality , as they wound themselves into a cocoon of adulation .
24 Lionan , the dandy , was talking behind his hand to the brutal Mullach , who was gulping his beer moodily and staring at the serving maids as they passed him in a bustling procession .
25 As they adapted themselves to reindeer-herding and continued to expand towards the north-east , the Yakuts absorbed the original Yukagir inhabitants of the tundra as far east as the Kolyma river .
26 ‘ If you 've got a pen I 'll read the directions as they gave them to the family . ’
27 Gill and Jackson go on to identify eight ‘ black and mixed race couples ’ , seven ‘ mixed race ’ children and three black children , and use this sample to demonstrate that racial identity confusion , as they found it in the transracially placed children , could also be found in black children in black families and ‘ mixed race ’ children in ‘ mixed race ’ families : ‘ They provide an interesting comparison … because … same race placements are increasingly regarded as the ideal by social workers … and it is in the black and mixed race couples that ( it is said ) the child will come to develop a strong racial identity ’ ( p. 129 ) .
28 Each of their slovenly scrawls was greeted with gasps of admiration from the kindly tutor , whose dress and hair grew paler by the minute as they showered her with dust .
29 He walked swiftly beside the trolley as they wheeled it towards the Theatre lifts , and Kath told him as rapidly as she could what they had established .
30 The Pharisees and Scribes would not eat with the ordinary people as they considered them to be irreligious .
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