Example sentences of "as he [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is Cancerian and I 'm a Sagittarian and he describes it as him rushing towards the dark , and me rushing towards the light , and we both drag each other back , into a kind of middle earth .
2 Within six days , on 3 May 1862 , the young boy died , Benjamin declaring as he applied for a certificate that he had been present at the death .
3 For six years , on battlefields and in sieges , they had fought side by side and Harper , as soon as he heard of the new war , had waited for a word from his old officer .
4 He had half expected a divine pre-emptive strike , a thunderbolt maybe , as he queued for the body and blood .
5 She watched him as he queued at the counter .
6 Once again he was aware of Emily 's gaze as he marvelled at the confusion .
7 They watched in silence until he came closer , then , as he swooped between the grey walls of the drawbridge and came clattering into the courtyard over cobblestones that were now covered only by a thin film of slush , Marc deliberately removed his arm from around her waist .
8 Although I knew I probably should n't , I could n't help looking as he rummaged through the marvellous things in the cupboard .
9 He was back in bed with Betty , getting there , getting there , his foot on the accelerator as he shot across the main road that took a steady morning stream of vehicles to the coast .
10 Ian McCloud , of Unicef , celebrated as he saw off the first UN convoy of food in weeks .
11 They were heavy , as he knew from the numbing pain in his shin .
12 The joke was , as he knew from the records , that one of two of the most successful criminous families had moved from council flats into the new apartments on the proceeds of a life of profitable wrongdoing .
13 As soon as he come through the door I go for his jugular and take everything out on him and it , it 's not fair .
14 And er soon as he come in the house he he just walloped my mam for nothing .
15 And as he passed along the line , the men near him cried , ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ afresh , and their comrades in the distance did the same .
16 As he passed through a small piazza there was a shout and a boy appeared at a window holding a bulging plastic shopping bag which he let drop to a friend in the street who stood , arms raised to catch it .
17 The hijacker has told US officials he put the pistol under his hat and placed the hat on a table as he passed through a metal detector .
18 He said how he had noticed the barometer as he passed through the sitting-room on his way to the kitchen where the meters were .
19 As he passed through the doorway , he heard his bus go grinding by the church and away up the hill .
20 There had been some kind of vast domed hall as he passed through the Gates ; he thought there had been colours within the light then , and he had received a dim impression of a far-off vaulted ceiling .
21 ‘ Georgina , ’ the Dean shouted as he passed through the hall .
22 They crossed over quietly enough , Athelstan smiling as he passed through the gateway at the far end on to Fish Street Hill .
23 As he passed through the light spilling into the inn-yard from one of the windows , a voice from a deep , shadowed doorway called , ‘ Hello , Seb .
24 As he passed across a cup of coffee , he asked Jim if it was ‘ going all right ’ .
25 Bragg asked as he passed over the lens .
26 Expert in controlling his tone , he scarcely hesitated as he passed over the customary nickname , for Hector Luath would be swift no longer .
27 Father Kipling stooped and said a few words to them as he passed into the sacristy to vest , and they turned round and looked at Clare .
28 As he passed round the far side of Daisy , Gareth could feel the marshy ground clinging with each stride .
29 As he passed by the city 's Queen 's Bridge a bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall as the Scottish internationalist dived for cover .
30 His slender figure was plunged first into light then into shadow as he passed before the slitted windows .
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