Example sentences of "as he [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I watched as he engaged a man who led him down to a boat ; they climbed in , and the man began to haul away on his oars .
2 The last fish he had landed was a magnificent sea-trout weighing 6lb and , as he applied the priest , he was telling his companions about a similar fish , caught by his father in the dim and distant past : ‘ A beautiful fish , gentlemen , just like this one is . ’
3 He visibly relaxed as he heard a voice in the hallway .
4 The rush from Steen 's bedroom out through the garage and utility room , as he heard a car stopping on the gravel and footsteps approaching the garage door .
5 They were chatting about the tournament and John of Gaunt 's invitation when Cranston stopped as he heard a sound behind them : a slithering across the cobbles .
6 The clouds were beginning to gather , hiding the hunter 's moon , and Ranulf shivered as he heard an owl hoot and the ominous chatter of other night birds .
7 Yet an outsider watching them might , as he heard the laughter , think the evening was being a very successful one .
8 ‘ Then run , ’ he told her as he heard the tender 's motor start .
9 It had been enough to set Freddie 's agile mind working , and he grinned expectantly to himself as he heard the watchman 's voice .
10 He turned as he heard the door swish shut behind her .
11 As soon as he heard the story , John Coffin had himself taken back to the police centre dealing with the case .
12 ‘ Any use to you ? ’ he asked , snapping open his eyes as he heard the rustle of her skirt as she changed position .
13 It lifted its great horned head as though to bellow a warning , but in that moment Chuck Sherman 's rifle roared and he let out a yell of delight as he heard the thud of the bullet strike home into the buffalo 's broad chest .
14 Scott looked up as he heard the key turn in the lock .
15 If it were Oliver he would have called out to her , come to meet her as soon as he heard the key in the lock .
16 His voice quavered as he heard the silence around him .
17 He said he 'd call again as soon as he heard the result of the new X-ray , but not to worry about it , it 's just the extra fuss they make when there 's a doctor involved .
18 Gary 's father , Frank Hutchinson , of Frederick Street , Meadowfield , told an inquest in Darlington yesterday that as soon as he heard the news on the radio he was certain his son had been hurt and immediately contacted police .
19 A tiny grin played round his mouth as he shot a glance at her .
20 Abruptly , the car breasted a small rise in front of a junction , and Howard 's eyes widened as he saw a man standing in the middle of the road , who , it seemed , they were about to run down .
21 As he raised her hand towards his mouth his grey eyes widened , then gleamed with laughter as he saw the state it was in .
22 As soon as he saw the horizon , Jack centralised the joystick and rudder , getting back to level flight .
23 He heard the mestizo curse in fear as he saw the snake .
24 His eyes narrowed as he saw the outline of a helicopter by the side of the mansion .
25 Freddie groaned as he saw the policeman coming over to him .
26 His eyes fired as he saw the corpse of the Hearthware .
27 Auguste almost laughed as he saw the expression on the Prince of Wales 's face as a plateful of roast goose advanced towards him in the hands of James Pegg , followed by an endless procession , it seemed , of forcemeats , vegetables and gravies .
28 ‘ If you 're wakeful I thought you might like company in the shape of Emma — ’ He stopped , his eyes narrowing as he saw the expression on her face .
29 He felt a sticky wetness on his left leg , glanced down and swore as he saw the bloodstain spreading downwards from around the bullet hole in the denim .
30 Then he smiled thinly as he saw the look on her face .
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