Example sentences of "as it would be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Besides , there is no reason why the distribution of later preferences , any of which might become operative , would be the same on the 1,476 papers selected for transfer to Craig as it would be on all of the 3,813 papers including those not so selected .
2 The sheet of paper is not stretched over a rubber roller or platen as it would be with an impact printer but a sheet of metal .
3 War had been declared , and the fate of Czechoslovakia , Austria and Poland was sealed , as it would be for several other countries .
4 I suspect that for many young Germans it might be pretty meaningless , as it would be for their British or French contemporaries , who simply want to get on with their lives without having to attend to the doings of another generation .
5 The winner of the President 's Cup , as it would be for at least three more years , was Artisan Secretary and Club Greensman , Bill Steptoe .
6 The prestige and repute connected to sporting success at school made it a viable , intriguing and challenging venture for her , as it would be for many otherwise nondescript black kids already faced with the adversity of being black in what is perceived to be a hostile environment .
7 The rest of the journey was an anticlimax by comparison , as it would be for passengers approaching Perth from the Pacific .
8 She 'd had no chance even to tell David that her family would be at OBEX the following day , so it could be as much a shock for him seeing Jennifer as it would be for her sister .
9 These differing responses , the fundamental cause of most of the wars of history , were not necessarily taken with a knowledge of the effect that they would ultimately have , for at the relevant time the choice would not have been as clear to those making them , as it would be to minds educated to standards prevailing centuries later .
10 Priced £18.95 , the book is aimed to be as useful to a PC novice as it would be to a seasoned user .
11 So when my parent is handing out the parental investment , I will be selected to want the parent to give the investment to my sibling if the benefit is twice as great as it would be to myself .
12 Planning can not be socially rational , as it would be under socialism , where planning for need would replace production for profit .
13 Fourth , we may point out that quite often the potential reference of the noun as modified by the adjective will not be the same in the predicate qualifying construction as it would be under the attributive version .
14 For the concomitant of Callinicos ' critique of postmodernism is not , as it would be in half a hundred other cases , the defence of modernism .
15 We rarely saw its summit , lost as it would be in thick mist , but its mystery made it all the more attractive and seductive .
16 Meanwhile the Labour Party continues to be as inadequate in Opposition as it would be in government .
17 The aim of treatment is not for a young child to lose weight as it would be in an adult , but to maintain their weight or make below normal weight gain ( Dietz 1984 ) .
18 Alternatively , we may say that the plates are so close to each other ( as it would be in a practical diode ) that the electron beam has n't got a chance to spread .
19 I shall assume that the zoological species Homo sapiens is indeed a unity in the sense that in the hypothetical absence of all cultural restraints interbreeding between the members of any randomly selected human population of randomly selected individuals would be random , just as it would be in a randomly selected pack of mongrel dogs provided always that particular individual dogs were prevented from asserting dominance over their neighbours .
20 This would pose a problem if natural illumination were used , as it would be in a field setting or greenhouse .
21 Each play was presented on a single set , as it would be in a theatre .
22 For example , while the /r/ of person is pronounced ( as it would be in JC ) [ P15 ] , the speaker has also pronounced /r/ in mother , where it is less usual for Jamaicans to pronounce it , and at the end of Jamaica , where it does not occur historically at all .
23 At the operational level planning tasks will be simpler and there is less need to look for complex procedures as it would be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut .
24 If the glider is facing more or less directly into the wind , and there is a pilot in the cockpit , it is just as safe as it would be after a normal landing .
25 Similarly , the significance of friendship as a means of exercising influence was appreciated by youth workers , as it would be after 1910 in the working out of the juvenile labour exchange , vocational guidance and after-care schemes .
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