Example sentences of "as it [vb past] been in " in BNC.

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1 The British attitude to Europe remained as functional and piecemeal as it had been in the time of Ernest Bevin after 1945 .
2 Within the Common Market , Britain in 1989 seemed as much the odd nation out as it had been in 1979 at the time of the rancorous Dublin summit , unable to prevent major changes within the Community by responding in a negative , bad-tempered way .
3 But the exiled soldier wanted more than a place to stay : he wanted , to a Peter Pan-ish degree , everything as it had been in his childhood home .
4 In Liverpool , resistance was not as co-ordinated as it had been in Chicago a decade earlier , where the implementation of a quarter-hour telephone call-in system collapsed when all the police call boxes immediately developed mysterious malfunctions .
5 A wide range of so-called sexual sicknesses was diagnosed , Instead of masturbation being classified as wrong or harmful , as it had been in Victorian times , it became not only permissible but obligatory by the new standards .
6 There had always been that choice , and it was as difficult to take , and as easy to reject , in the twentieth century as it had been in any other .
7 Life in Takrit in Iraq fifty years ago was based on similar principles for the young Saddam Hussein as it had been in Scorniceşti a generation earlier for Nicolae Ceauşescu .
8 Going to the Secret Cove was , as it had been in her mother 's time , the child 's greatest delight .
9 This was quite as true when Tabitha Jute met Marco Metz in Schiaparelli as it had been in the days of the Big Step , years before she was born .
10 Although the number of recorded offences in that decade was not as high as it had been in the 1950s it is nevertheless an important trend .
11 But at least a dream of empire was not as impossible as it had been in 1558 .
12 When challenged to say what was on his mind , he replied that he had been wondering whether it would ever be given to him to make France great again , as it had been in the days of Charlemagne .
13 Opposition to Home Rule was put on ice for the duration with the Bill , but opposition was as genuine in 1918 as it had been in 1914 .
14 From Table 4.1 we can see that the ‘ total working and available for work ’ in Northern Tyne side was roughly the same in 1984 as it had been in 1972 , i.e. under 300 000 .
15 Looking around the bedroom , she saw that it was almost exactly as it had been in the photograph , although now there was a book open and face downwards on the patchwork quilt .
16 The heavy furniture of the lobby was still arranged exactly as it had been in 1950 .
17 Pop was no longer a community of youth as it had been in the sixties , nor a means of changing society , but a meaningless marketing exercise which deserved to be exposed for the charade that it was .
18 There is evidence to suggest that the walls which carried these pictures were not normally plastered but panelled , though plaster is used in the tombs of Etruria and Paestum , as it had been in Bronze-age palaces and was to be in Hellenistic tombs in Greece ( below , p. 176 ) .
19 And that the reality of her love was as it had been in the wood : she should never marry anyone else , whatever happened .
20 She continued to lean against the gravestone , sick and shaking , her teeth chattering , her stomach as knotted and tormented as it had been in childbirth .
21 She was fighting and then beaten , the pain and the blackness as vivid in her nightmare as it had been in reality .
22 By the time of Waterloo , for those few who could afford the coaches , passenger travel was perhaps four times as fast as it had been in 1750 between major centres and twice as fast elsewhere .
23 This large parish now had two Anglican churches but Nonconformity was as pronounced as it had been in the seventeenth century .
24 The aggregate demand component of an inflationary process , , no longer exerts an independent influence on the rate of inflation which is , in principle , separable from that of the expectations component , , as it had been in the Friedman ( 1968 ) version .
25 When one turns to his large-scale tonal designs , unexplored until now , it becomes apparent that Lully 's influence is as preponderant in Campra 's cantatas as it had been in his stage music .
26 In Stenhouse Australia Ltd v Phillips [ 1974 ] AC 391 the restraint of trade clause was part of an agreement made between the parties after employment had ceased as it had been in Wyatt 's case .
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