Example sentences of "as we [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
2 Rather than as we probably do at the minute , is you may go back and have a staff meeting
3 They will be demonstrating , in other words , the continuing process of adaptation and adjustment without which , as we well know from observation , teaching can easily stagnate into a set of half-understood routines , performed irrespective of the conditions of the class or the needs of the learners .
4 as long as we just pay for the
5 As we also noticed in chapter 3 , we can not predict the full membership of the set on phonological grounds .
6 Indeed , as we also saw in the last chapter , one recent writer ( Jenkins , 1984 ) portrays Beccaria 's postponement of the positivist revolution as being anti-radical and supportive of existing authoritarian rulers .
7 As we also said in chapter 3 , there are instances when efficiency measures are either not practicable or not possible .
8 The transition back to ‘ self ’ , as we normally think of it , may not be immediate .
9 As I da da , as Dave says as an overall percentage or to do it as we always do as a , as a termly figure .
10 I remember Christmas Eve 1930 , when we went as we always did on that day to the High Street to look at the lighted shops , seeing a little girl in a tattered dress and with bare feet , her nose pressed at the toy-shop window .
11 And now finally — as we always seem to be saying at the conclusion of our news bulletins — perhaps I can be allowed one or two serious observations .
12 We have the opportunity of re-fighting the Crimean War , but as we never learn from history , we are doomed to repeat our mistakes , and
13 That 's as close as we ever got to it . ’
14 I , I do n't think Mr 's actually got any very reasonable criticisms at all , and we must again say , as we often do to Conservatives now , who do you think 's been running the country for the last fourteen or fifteen years ?
15 Rather than focus on women as part-time workers to explain their lack of pensions as we often do in the UK , Russell 's approach adopts a structural explanation .
16 A burst of automatic fire up front and to our left brings the column to a halt as we then squat on the wet ground and watch the tracers shoot off across the night sky .
17 In the New Testament , God 's love is poured ‘ into our hearts ’ through the Holy Spirit , while it is ‘ on the heart ’ that Christ writes our new identity , as we now belong to him .
18 It amazes me just how much was achieved , with such positive results , especially as we only dug from 2.15 to 6.00 P.m .
19 But if we lost in 1992 — as we certainly lost in 1987 — because prosperous voters feared that we would reduce their disposable income , we will not win back those middle income families by pretending that we have abandoned the very purpose of our creation and our existence .
20 We must be ‘ patiently impatient ’ , Paulo Freire tells us , as we painstakingly move towards better quality of life and justice in our communities .
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