Example sentences of "as she [verb] he [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lucy swallowed as she sent him a nervous glance .
2 The genuine note of admiration in his voice sent a tiny and thoroughly illogical frisson of pleasure running through her , and she felt the faint tide of colour swim into her face as she sent him an answering smile .
3 ‘ There , Mr Cottle , ’ Mary Ann was saying to the traveller in jelly , as she passed him the bread and butter , ‘ this 'll put roses in your cheeks . ’
4 Their hands touched as she passed him the bottle .
5 She tried not to imagine his sympathetic brown eyes looking into hers , and his disarming smile when she spoke to him , perhaps their hands touching as she passed him the local anaesthetic — This is no use ! she admonished herself , rubbing energetically at a stainless steel trolley .
6 But as she reached him the vision shimmered and disappeared and she was alone , stumbling as she tried to find her way through the shadows of a forest , mist cloaking the branches of the trees .
7 That was what he meant to Mrs Sairellen Thackray as she served him the first of her good dinners of boiled beef and potatoes and onions towards which the town 's Chartists had all made their contributions .
8 Fran brought her thoughts back to the moment , forcing a slight , polite smile to her lips as she flicked him a quick sideways glance .
9 As she showed him the barn , they began to talk of the forest .
10 In what seems a somewhat specious argument , she urges Leo to bathe with her in the fire so that their mortal sins may be purged : but although the fire at first seems to do her no harm as she shows him the way into it , the self-seeking nature of her love becomes evident as her ageless beauty is destroyed :
11 As she handed him the cup of tea her tone changed : ‘ Not that I 'm against joking , but everything in its place ; when I 'm here with Aunt Lizzie , we chaff each other , but … but not all the time . ’
12 Merrill protested as she handed him the file .
13 ‘ I know what you mean , ’ she murmured , willing her hands to remain steady as she handed him the cup .
14 Alighting hesitantly , she cast anxious eyes around her , wondering just where her hotel was , as she paid him the exact amount on the meter , feeling strangely guilty as she refrained from adding a tip in accordance with the multi-lingual notice in the cab .
15 Richard hugged her as she gave him the keys .
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