Example sentences of "as [num] [noun] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 That , too , has been the message of this Revolution Day — back to Lenin and 1917 , to a ‘ radical renewal of socialism ’ as one slogan put it .
2 This would remove the overseers and , as one member put it , give the power to the Inland Revenue and to the Railway Assessment Authority to determine the basis of local taxation ( and by implication , the income of the institution ) .
3 As one member put it :
4 As one member put it to ‘ Bill ’ Whyte :
5 These great ships are now cruise liners and are the only passenger ships left which continue a stately form of travel where , as one enthusiast put it , ‘ there is nothing to do but be ’ .
6 As one constable put it , ‘ I do n't mind you being here , I do n't mind you taking notes .
7 This did n't last long , however , as one customer thought it was there to be consumed !
8 With him Chopin 's music leaves its earthly moorings far behind ; as one writer put it ‘ when Cortot is no more Chopin will die a second time . ’
9 As one writer put it , all trains went to Chicago and none passed through .
10 Men offered a diplomatic post could not be blamed , as one writer put it , for " choosing rather to fix themselves near to the person of the Prince ; because the recompences for that service are much greater , and much more frequent , and because those that are absent are commonly forgotten , which makes them look upon an embassy as a sort of an honourable exile " .
11 The answer was always no — understandably enough , it seemed , in Leverrier 's case , because he was very reserved , ‘ too serious ’ as one master put it , tapping his head .
12 There was an abundance of help ( ‘ both seen and unseen ’ as one elder put it to me ) ; there was constant anxiety about the weather ; there was joy of meeting old friends and making new ones ; there was the amazing efficiency , imperturbability and the reticence of the treasury ; and the true pleasure of finding things for people .
13 As one tutor put it : ‘ The temptation to put off the evil day is irresistible for most people .
14 As one user put it :
15 As one lecturer put it , ‘ I do n't want one of my students working for a first to have the achievement marred because it was ‘ only a 1.2 ’ . ’
16 On the contrary , many in the popular movement believe that Fatah has more interest , as one activist put it , in hospitals than in mobile health clinics , in bureaucracy than in local control , and in co-operation with the economic and political notables than with grass-roots movements .
17 The cost report from the Official Receiver read , as one investor put it , like a " financial horror comic " .
18 But they feel that they belong to two families and , as one girl put it , ‘ I was part of that woman 's body for nine months ’ , so discovering her birth-mother 's identity seemed , to her , an urgent necessity .
19 ‘ The theory we all had was that Richard knew very well that women worked twice as hard for half the price , ’ as one girl put it .
20 London children in Oxford missed the warmth and communality of East End street life ; as one girl put it :
21 Using a solvent called AB57 — which was originally developed for cleaning marble and is a mixture of sodium and ammonium bicarbonates suspended in a cellulose gel — the conservation team has drastically altered the previously perceived tonal representations and , as one expert put it , the fresco ‘ has been reduced to a smudged painting with Disney colour ’ .
22 As one farmer put it , ‘ Time allows me to be interested only in what is going to affect me on my farm — making up the numbers is not the answer ’ .
23 As one driver put it : ‘ It 's ridiculous .
24 As one person put it , ‘ The only ones who knew me from the time I was born have gone , and it 's almost as if that period in my life is less real now that there is no one left alive who shared it with me . ’
25 But a significant body of respected people , notably from the press and A&R departments , some of whom had worked for Virgin for years , argued that the meeting should go ahead , ‘ For the sake , ’ as one person put it , ‘ of those who are afraid to speak up for themselves . ’
26 As one child remembered it before 1914 : ‘ Suburbia was a railway state … a state of existence within a few minutes walk of the railway station , a few minutes walk of the shops , a few minutes walk of the fields . ’
27 As one child put it : ‘ You have to stop and think .
28 As one man expressed it : ‘ When all 's said and done we have to get a product out and the management are interested in how cheap it can be done and although it means sacrificing the worker it means one has a cheap product . ’
29 But even now , some senior DUP men are slightly perplexed at the apparent willingness of non-evangelicals to ‘ take a back seat and push the others forward ’ , as one man put it .
30 As one correspondent put it , British umpire , Jeremy Shales and Belgian official Walter Leeman frequently had to warn the 20,000 crowd to moderate their enthusiasm .
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