Example sentences of "as [pers pn] have [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Sixty-seven , but as I 'd said to Ruth Cohen , lively with it .
2 Very irritating because er if only I 'd approached David earlier as I 'd intended to .
3 I intended to pick up my car and come over to see you as soon as I 'd talked to Bertelli , but when I got back here Lorenzini had this message from up near the fort .
4 I groped for Toby in the dark and found his hands , and they held on to me , and I shouted again to an unknown listener as I had wanted to in the street : " I do n't want this !
5 I also had high hopes of the Electricity Board , particularly as I had taken to cutting ‘ Miss ’ off my meter reading cards with scissors and it was one of those cards you are n't allowed to cut or mutilate as it upsets the computer .
6 As I 've said to you the the old bastinal used to hang on the toilet wall outside was a whole row of them you know these these big galvanized bath things that were brought in on maybe on a Friday night .
7 But to be quite truthful as I 've said to the boys , when I 'm away all this is lost .
8 Because as I 've said to you before , I think it 's very important that a new settlement is provided somewhere within Greater York .
9 and as you say if you go to college , but as I 've said to Penny you know you want to try and find out if there are any courses that are going , if you want to get back
10 ‘ We leave as soon as I 've spoken to the Queen . ’
11 This is as close as I have felt to Cambridgeshire for some considerable time . ’
12 The fact of the matter is that it is not , as I have explained to the right hon. Gentleman on many occasions , happening only in this country .
13 On this occasion , some of their bags were contained in the white diplomatic bag belonging to the Foreign Office , which they were using for convenience to contain their consignment — — and , as I have explained to the House , that was the commencement of the error in question which , of course , we very much regret .
14 Re Constabulary , I am afraid that , as I have explained to Inspector Murray , we have no more funds available this financial year , and his request will be considered within the planning cycle next year .
15 We can go there as soon as I have seen to the army at Pesth . ’
16 But this did n't stick , and because his style was as I have said to always sit and wait , and never to make the first move , we began to call him The Older Man ; and then this became just Older , and finally just O.
17 Now , as I have said to Lady Maude … ’
18 But as I have said to you , the Banbury School 's decision to opt out was not taken on the grounds of the education offered in this county .
19 I think , as I have said to you before , I think the Plan Two is one of our smaller policies , and it 's unfair to continue to talk of that one .
20 As you 've gone to so much trouble , it would seem discourteous to refuse , ’ Ashley said .
21 Although I may be a bad man , I 'd never bribe anyone to marry , as you 've tried to .
22 ‘ Lord Khan , Alexei is betrothed as you have heard to my grand-daughter , and so I consider him a member of my family .
23 You must promise that you will show it to him as you have done to me . ’
24 It also has a very large appetite , as you have found to your cost , and may attack smaller or less aggressive species ( and fishkeepers ' fingers ) .
25 Lori had declared as she had crossed to her .
26 If she had really been as indifferent as she had pretended to be , then she would n't have reacted at all .
27 ‘ Monsieur le baron , ’ she said , as she had said to him once before .
28 She always wanted him to tell her where he came from because she said , as she had said to Creggan on his first night , that for an eagle to survive the first thing he must know is where he comes from , and he must not forget his memories however distant they may be .
29 As she had said to Julie when she 'd phoned her yesterday , even when returning to the office from a short holiday , in the fast-moving world of the City of London you could never be entirely sure that your desk would still be there !
30 Terence had tried to talk to her as she had gone to her car , then the fat one had cat-called like a teenage oaf .
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