Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [be] in the " in BNC.

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1 On a personal note , could you pray for me as I am in the process of getting a job in Saudi Arabia myself and will need all the prayer support I can get .
2 Engaged as I was in the struggle with myself , the struggle between my self and my body , other people had no real existence for me .
3 Whilst I believed their feelings and actions were genuine , I was also aware that they were as steeped as I was in the romance of blindness : the helping hand , God 's purpose for us all .
4 For the previous five years I 'd worked solely as a sports photographer , and had really enjoyed it , but my work on the Hoggar Marathon was different , because I was just as interested in the scenery that surrounded me as I was in the race itself .
5 You may well , for instance , be depending to a large extent on the character of the victim ( as I was in The Murder of the Maharajah ) and the least troublesome way to put that character before the reader is in direct scenes showing the future victim in action .
6 As long as I was in the country I was home on a Friday night and them again till Monday morning .
7 I do n't believe the programme has taken off here as rapidly as it possibly could have had all the judges been as enthusiastic as I was in the beginning , but I would say 5 to 10 per cent of the sentenced people now are at least given that option .
8 And as I 'm in the shop most of the time and know what goes and what does n't , I think you should stick by what I say or get somebody else in who 'll do it better . ’
9 I expect Sinbad feels that as I 'm in the last few months of my final year , she 'd better pack me with as much experience as possible before I get whisked away to act staff nurse in some ward .
10 As I 'm in the room next door to your present patient , you 'll appreciate my difficulty . ’
11 However , do n't make too much of a habit of switch-changing because the opponent may pick up your rhythm and attack just as you are in the middle of a change .
12 If you are moving along in an ambulance you are not as safe as you are in the static , intensive care environment of an intensive care unit . ’
13 That is what the greenbelt is actually there for , and if you have it there for that purpose , as I said yesterday , the necessary corollary is that you have additional provision beyond it , and I ca n't resist to offer Mr Wincup some support , I 'm sure one piece of evidence that he gave you about the letter from the Parish Council , he 's probably already replied to that Parish Council saying , as you 're in the York greenbelt have no fear , all the Selby needs will pass straight across your heads and land somewhere else .
14 So as long as you 're in the X positive , then you 're moving in a positive direction , or a er
15 So that erm although you 're entitled to what a native of that country would get , so long as you 're in the European Community , even that can vary .
16 You were as close to God in the gardens , under the big beech tree , or in the walled garden with its smell of rosemary and lemon balm , as you were in the chapel .
17 What he did n't tell us was that the boats were tied very loosely and had a disturbing tendency to drift apart as you were in the process of climbing from one to another .
18 There is hardly any chance of her surviving as she is in the long term so we hope she will be able to have the transplant soon . ’
19 It was not her first transatlantic flight , as she was in the French team last autumn in Washington , New York and Toronto , where Miss Ledermann rode her into second place in the World Cup round , behind Britain 's Tina Cassan and Genesis .
20 She could not leave the house as she was in the middle of making our evening meal .
21 Charlie came in as she was in the middle of her obstetrical details , and , though now fairly accustomed to the patients , he was slightly taken aback .
22 The elderly voice , half a challenge and half a tease , came down the telephone to Molly as she was in the middle of giving Jacqueline her supper .
23 Hannah may have gone without most of the comforts that people take for granted , but at least she had emotional warmth and stability , wrapped as she was in the cocoon of a caring family — her mother , her grandparents , and for a little time her tragic father , all around her .
24 As soon as she was in the sack , it was a sack then , you wont get them now .
25 As soon as she was in the sack , she was as quiet as a lamb .
26 As soon as she was in the bag ,
27 ‘ Well , as we 're in the presence of two students — postgraduate students — I daresay you 'll take me to be sucking up , but the times are rather interesting , do n't you find ?
28 I 'd like to see what we 've got there as long as we 're in the neighbourhood . ’
29 His loss has been felt as a great national calamity … assembled as we are in the execution of a Plan of great public Utility … . ’
30 As we are in the suburbs of the city , much of the land at the sides of the road is taken up with intensive agriculture .
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