Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [be] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Every time I go to Cambridge I come back depressed as hell ; then as soon as I am back to a Norfolk class spirits soar again .
2 I thought that as I was up with him , I was up with the leaders .
3 He immediately took to his heels with is case of cigarettes and led me a merry dance away from the docks , through a council estate , finally finishing up on the perimeter track of Ipswich Airport where I was rescued in the nick of time by a squad car full of policemen just as I was about to be filled in by the burly seaman .
4 I found myself lying to her , although my lies seemed to me to represent the truth as soon as I was out of Aisha 's house .
5 As soon as I was out of sight of the school I cut up through the cottages and round the back of the school on to the path to Bourani .
6 I suppose if he had been wifeless you would have had me married off to him as soon as I was out of mourning ! ’
7 Now what we 're on about yeah as I were on about , that er what I do is , with days like this , cos you can never guarantee if they 're gon na be dry , wet or what , so I watch to see if it rains , if it do n't they 're virtually dry when I fetch them in .
8 As soon as I 'm back on my feet .
9 ‘ If all I have to do to get a girl with your looks to spend a night with me is bust a leg ’ — he stopped for breath — ‘ soon as I 'm out of here I 'm busting the other . ’
10 As long as you 're round about there all the whole house is central locked .
11 This takes about six weeks — just as you 're about to hand in your notice , it suddenly clicks and they are doing it themselves without you having to say anything .
12 As soon as she was out of the room he pulled the nearest phone across his desk and punched out the number of the Athene office .
13 Avoiding their curious glances , she walked round to the hardware section and tried to shut her ears to the whispered conversations that suddenly broke out as soon as she was out of sight .
14 On September 1st , as soon as she was back in Florence , she had sent £12 , almost ten months ' wages to Ellen and had stressed the importance of letting her know such a large sum of money had arrived .
15 As soon as she reached the club , as soon as she was back in the public eye , she would have to switch on the false persona that had carried her through the past week .
16 A few days ago a woman woke up just as she was about to be stuffed with the previous day 's New York Post and varnished with embalming fluid by an undertaker .
17 ‘ As long as we 're back in time for Livings ’ visit , ’ John said .
18 The original author of this book commented in the House of Commons , ‘ Seldom have I seen the House or the Government in quite such a mess … as we are in over this Bill … this House does not contain a majority for this Bill .
19 ‘ This is the end , ’ he said , as soon as we were out of the kitchen .
20 I asked as soon as we were out of the chamber .
21 The interviewers , who are normally retired FBI men , are pretty tolerant of homosexuals ( as long as they are out of the closet , making ‘ outing ’ an official policy ) and marijuana-smoking ( as long as it was part of student experimenting ) .
22 I was going to say , I like to set somebody task as they 're down for , and I look for it , and nine times out of ten you 'll find out if they can achieve that very shortly , very fast .
23 Five well what time does it start , five past ? as long as they 're down before half past seven .
24 This was always going to be a difficult match for Hammer to win , as they were up against a ‘ Mill side eager to take the trophy for the first time since 1974 .
25 He held her close again , and as they were about to part she said , ‘ Charlie , ’ and he said , ‘ Yes ? ’
26 Several others turned back as soon as they were out of the shade of their flower because , as they pointed out , ‘ .
27 As soon as they were out of the traffic and heading northwards up the main Al trunk road , Madeleine snuggled closer to Harry .
28 The boys looked on the Venetian corner as a godsend and came every day as soon as they were out of school to throw stones at it .
29 As soon as they were out of the grounds , petty concerns about Deana Davenport and hospital gossip washed cleanly away , made surprisingly unimportant by the relaxing hum of Tom Russell 's car as they drove .
30 Joanna had vowed to send a message to Guy as soon as they were out of sight .
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