Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] into a " in BNC.

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1 Wondering what would happen I tried pulling up on the boom as I went into a turn .
2 We changed the front brake master cylinder and spoiled the feel of the brake : if I tried to keep braking as I went into a corner , the front wheel would lock up and I would crash .
3 We separated , and as soon as I got into a side street , I went down it and there at the bottom was Cuttle 's Bakehouse .
4 that as you move into a new form of behaviour
5 Christina 's feet slipped on the highly polished wooden floor as she flopped into an antique mahogany rocking-chair positioned in front of a big open window , affording uninterrupted views of the ocean and a cooling breeze from off the sea .
6 Spittals rubbed his forefinger across the stubble of his moustache as she flopped into an explanation .
7 The boy could feel Izzie 's body brush past him as she crawled into a corner .
8 She choked and spat out some seawater and then swallowed a lungful as she went into a spasm again .
9 A strong bond based on a frankness about his own lifestyle was formed between father and daughter as she developed into a quietly studious girl who enjoyed her excursions to visit her father at work on the film sets .
10 ‘ I 've had better tarts , ’ he said , and , walking to the door as she struggled into a sitting position , trying to restore her ruined self , for at some time she must leave the room and face her shattered world , he flung her his final insult .
11 The incident with the car had taken her mind off Luke , but as she changed into a housecoat a sudden idea flashed across her mind .
12 But someone needed her , and as she broke into a run , she went over the differential diagnosis of a faint in her mind .
13 His eyes were getting used to the dim light and , as she emerged into a whole shape under the fanlight , he was more than ever conscious of how beautiful and how youthful she was .
14 ‘ Cosier , do n't you think ? ’ she said coyly , as she slid into a chair nearest the kitchen door and gave him what he could only assume was her standard come-hither look .
15 Daisy also noticed , as she slid into an empty pew at the back , that the church was unusually full of attractive women .
16 Golden morning light bathed the apartment as she slipped into a gentle sleep .
17 I 'll announce my departure over dinner , Shiona decided , as she slipped into a pretty blue dress in her room and combed back her mane of bright auburn hair .
18 Dane softly prompted her as she lapsed into a musing silence .
19 ‘ Eyesight of a cat , ’ she muttered aloud , then immediately uttered a pained yelp as she bumped into a rough-hewn table .
20 At our local market I stocked up on walnuts , satsumas and last-minute presents of leather goods , then on Christmas Day the sun blazed down as we tucked into a roast chicken and raised glasses of cheap local champagne .
21 As we launch into a debate about last week 's Clash front cover , GW 's jaunty , surprisingly Big Country-tinged epic kind of ends , unlamented . )
22 As we stepped into a side road , a car roared round the corner , its tyres screeching , and almost wiped both of us into oblivion .
23 Several times the steering wheel took on a wild life of its own as we crashed into an unnoticed pot-hole , and the windscreen wipers stuttered against the rain of dust and small stones that hurtled against the car in handfuls : it was if we were under fire .
24 The first creature we had seen , a small turtle , was sunning itself on a rock as we climbed into a canoe and paddled and drifted round the green-speared edge of the lake .
25 As we pile into a rented car , I express my thanks for her portraits of a city which headlines and Hollywood love to distort .
26 It matters less and less as we move into an enjoyable account derived from a vocational puller-down of statues of the Shah and his father .
27 There has to a meaningful comparison between the CAA 's charging policy and those of its EC counterparts as we move into an integrated European system .
28 He was still looking at the envelopes as they went into a sitting-room at the end of the passage .
29 The high walls of the Castelo de Sao Jorge lifted above them as they worked their way through a maze of narrow alleys and then , as they came into a small square in front of a church , Devlin emerged from an alley and crossed the cobbles before them towards a cafe .
30 this the , what makes me laugh is that people 's intelligence , they walk along a street shopping and as soon as they walk into a restaurant they sit down and start smoking
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