Example sentences of "as [conj] [pron] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody knew how to run the longer events , the advice we were given being the same as that I had pontificated for 80 metres back at the White City : start slowly and build up !
2 as abruptly as if we had seen a ghost .
3 Apart from being baked hard by the heat of the lava , these sediments were quite undisturbed , and had been carried bodily as smoothly as if they had gone up in a lift .
4 The emotions of like and dislike are just as broad as if they had arisen from a total survey of the car .
5 When they had reached St Matthew 's church he had followed her inside as naturally as if they had set out together that morning .
6 Just a frail little thing , was n't she , the wind could have picked her up and tossed her away , yet she had demolished him as surely as if she had wielded a pick-axe handle to his belly .
7 And in her dream every line of his face was as familiar as if she had scrutinised it intently .
8 She relaxed , as satisfied as if she had chaired a difficult meeting through to its triumphant conclusion or been acclaimed at Board level for the fresh approach of her latest report .
9 She turned abruptly into the fitting-room and after a very short time reappeared , looking as perfect as if she had spent hours dressing instead of minutes .
10 The walls were maroon and the carpet was purple and the effect was expensive , but Lee felt as depressed as if she had found herself in the smelly hallway of a neglected and deprived residence .
11 In a silence full of his broken intention , she caught the look , passing helplessly between him and Lalage — a look that joined her love and her friend as clearly as if she had found them in bed .
12 As if she had read her thoughts , Miss Hatherby said , ‘ There is nothing to be ashamed of .
13 Erm just the same as if you had had a good nights sleep .
14 ‘ Oh , that 's the Eiffel Tower , ’ and he says it in the same tone of voice as if you had shown him a portrait of Grandpa , and he had said : ‘ So that 's your grandfather I 've heard so much about .
15 Today we can talk about sex without modesty or fear , but bring up the subject of death and you will be treated with the same social horror as if you had brought up the subject of masturbation at a Victorian ladies ' tea party .
16 Now sir , can you tell me this , ’ and she looked him straight in the eyes , ‘ will it be just the same for him as if you had baptized him ? ’
17 If you continually can not get through to your debtor , the message is as clear as if you had spoken to him .
18 ‘ You know , ’ said Gus , as proudly as if he had discovered it himself , ‘ what that is ?
19 The shock Nenna felt was as great as if he had made a mistake with the steering .
20 For almost the whole of their walk their objective had been in sight : the green copper cupola of the soaring campanile of Arthur Blomfield 's extraordinary Romanesque basilica , built in 1870 on the bank of this sluggish urban waterway with as much confidence as if he had erected it on the Venetian Grand Canal .
21 His voice was sharp , yet as intimate as if he had known her for a long time .
22 It was long since Adam had thought of him so , and he gathered the warmth of their recollection to him as gratefully as if he had salved one bleached and solitary bone of the beloved right hand out of the Severn , and laid it back in holy ground .
23 Someone who knowingly touches another without his consent violates this personal right as surely as if he had taken his property .
24 Ally Pally 's pre-restoration days undoubtedly had associations of tatty romance — they lay in the contrast between the Cecil B. De Mille bravura of the original concept and such visible signs of its decline , as if it had become a Victorian actor/manager unable to gesticulate because of rheumatism .
25 We shall see that , said I , and he answered unabashed , with the invisible instruments twanging and humming and jangling all over the room , ‘ You may see it , but you must not speak about this or anything that has passed here , for I have silenced you as surely as if I had cut out your tongue . ’
26 I killed her as surely as if I had stabbed her with a knife , shot her with a gun , squeezed her neck between my hands .
27 She could not take the radio , but as before she had acknowledged that .
28 Just as before she had needed to stay inside the cottage , fearful that she would miss Johnny if he should come , now she needed to be away , out there where her world was still turning , and people laughed and played and did ordinary things .
29 At one point , roughly the same point as when they had to borrow money from Andy 's mum , their telephone was cut off , and all business was conducted from a call box in Chiswick High Road .
30 Nails , unlike Jazz and Hoomey , looked just as weedy as when they had started their training — so much so , in fact , that his puny appearance along with his new , apparent docility had set the school 's pastoral care department into action .
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