Example sentences of "as [conj] [pron] be be " in BNC.

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1 He gave me such a look , as if I was being really disgusting .
2 In particular , attention has been directed to such questions as whether it is being dismantled or whether its frontiers are being narrowed by privatisation .
3 At the thought of those tears , my eyes felt as though they were being crushed and I wished that that moment would last forever .
4 It is not as though they were being asked to do an aerobatic display , Mildred .
5 To the horror of Home Department civil servants , they suddenly receive an order from the Home Secretary , to the effect that a quick fix is needed to make it look as though something is being done .
6 I felt as though I was being hung , drawn and quartered for my past , and the only way to live with what was happening to me was to try desperately to provoke some emotional reaction in you .
7 Hanging back as he strode off to get it , she protested worriedly , ‘ I really think it might be best not to — and I do n't know quite how it is , but although you all seem to move without speed , not to hurry , I feel as though I 'm being rushed along without time to draw breath ! ’
8 She was conscious of one undoubted fact : ‘ He was directing all his conversations to Joan Sims at this time , so I felt as though I were being talked at , rather than talked to . ’
9 Do you ever feel as though you 're being ganged up on ?
10 She was so aware of his hard body , and of the undeniable sex appeal of those jeans and that white shirt , that she deliberately did not look at him , staring fixedly ahead while noting every detail of him as though it was being burned into her brain .
11 To go on acting as though there were is to add to the layers of falsehood which already cover our ( so-called ) civilization .
12 Bernice told herself that it was n't surprising that she felt as though she was being watched .
13 The grey eyes roamed over her face , and she felt as though she was being devoured by some huge magnetic force .
14 It felt as though she was being off-loaded .
15 Remembering the way Michele had brought her , she retraced her steps , not without a certain unease , a prickly feeling of discomfort , as though she was being watched by unseen eyes .
16 For some reason it felt as though she was being sucked into something by a card-sharp .
17 The Trunchbull 's whole body and face seemed to swell up as though she were being inflated by a bicycle-pump .
18 He was so kind and good , and Honor felt as though she were being blessed whenever he spoke to her .
19 He felt as though he was prying , and as though he was being uselessly urged on by some violent emotion of curiosity — not greed , curiosity , more fundamental even than sex , the desire for knowledge .
20 Suddenly he became aware of an eerie feeling , as though he was being watched .
21 I know it looks as though he was being filmed in a prison cell .
22 He 'd sounded as though he was being sarcastic , or ironic , but again she had n't a clue what he meant .
23 His throat was wound round with flickering blue blood vessels , as though he was being strangled by asps .
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