Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But I do believe that women experience another , relentless denial of their powers , which begins as soon as they can speak , if not before , and makes the act of writing for them primarily an act of rebellion .
2 In the dramatic arts , which children are taught as soon as they can walk , each participant has a chance to become personally possessed by the soul of the character he is playing .
3 does that mean every one learns to drive as soon as they can ?
4 In my view they need good steady husbands as soon as they can be found , and Harry Burrows needs a commission in the army and to be sent somewhere really uncomfortable .
5 As soon as he is out of the side , and the team continues to play well … they rub their hands and sell him as soon as they can .
6 Back on the banks of the Thames , the parent birds become distressed at the point where they lose sight of their young — which the volunteers rush into the dinghy as soon as they can so the familiy is reunited .
7 During a recent interview on BBC Radio Cleveland 's Alan Wright programme , Maire Brennan said their best audiences are found in the North-East and the group will be returning here as soon as they can .
8 they 're not actually printing , as soon as they can form the words , they join them
9 I do n't think it 's right , my niece Sue does n't think it 's right , they 're doing it in school , it 's part of the national curriculum , as soon as they can form the letters now , they join them , I said I go to King university and I do n't join up my letters
10 As soon as they can get their head and shoulders through , they 're in ! double glazing conservatories is one of the best deterrents .
11 Because very often on courses we find that people have been sort of nominated to go on courses , and quite honestly they do n't actually want to be there and they 're looking at their watch and as soon as they can get away that , that 's better .
12 Soon all three of them were reeling out and reeling in , pouncing on the fish as soon as they could reach them and pulling the hooks from their mouths .
13 Winston was picking a team of folk from all walks of life to see them as soon as they could .
14 With rare exceptions , refugee children were expected to leave home as soon as they could fend for themselves .
15 People found that their savings became completely worthless and that salaries , once received , declined in value so rapidly that workers became desperate to convert currency into goods as soon as they could .
16 Many deserted before the battle even started , and a number of nobles surrendered as soon as they could decently do so .
17 The Dodger and Charley Bates had left the crowd which was chasing Oliver as soon as they could .
18 If the city 's culture lies in its heritage , its great literary tradition — Wilde , Shaw , Joyce , Beckett , O'Casey and all that — then surely the celebrations must involve a recognition that they found the city less than congenial and got out as soon as they could ?
19 He added that Sergia 's people had been grateful , though they 'd ushered Chertro and his prisoner off-planet as soon as they could .
20 A special vestry was called and resolved " to hire a shop as soon as they could " .
21 A little while ago children were expected to be down in the mines and underneath textile machinery , so they were n't actually treated as children , they were erm wager earners at a very low age , as soon as they could be walking they were doing a job , so I feel that we 're all children in fact , there is no great division between being a child and being an adult , and we in fact ca n't always cope with what 's happening and the shocks infect .
22 Such men push the boundaries as far as they can to try to get their women to love them , dirt and all .
23 Well they 've all played as well so they might remember .
24 Perhaps they bugged a dozen other people as well but they 'd only hear you and me talking about naming names on her bug .
25 and then that was it and then a bit later on , that was all they said about me haircut and then during the break somebody else said , there 's something else gone as well and they could n't make out what it what done mine in , my musical director he come , he says you know what will look nice now with that haircut do n't you ?
26 They went to him and he had sold it as well and they could n't
27 Daemonorops verticillaris and D. macrophylla ( Palmae ) are rattans characteristically associated with resident ants in Malesia : their nests are made of plant hairs and sometimes spines as well and they can absorb 185% water by weight .
28 It 's just that I think that they do n't publicize a lot of the services as well as they might do .
29 At that time they were faced with legal fees of £3,000 if they sued the surveyor , and the risk of losing this as well if they could not prove the surveyor 's negligence in law .
30 I said to Fish the film has a message for the trade unions as well if they could find it and he said he 'd keep looking .
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