Example sentences of "as [pron] will [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And they say he will fashion any spell so long as someone will pay him enough . ’
2 Significantly , while the particular rules of what counts as a reason ( substantive rationality ) vary across disciplines , the rules of procedural rationality ( as I will call it ) are more or less universal across disciplines .
3 If I find out different , I 'll kill you , as I will kill him ! ’
4 As you 'll appreciate it , we 've put one or two papers together into one paper , and therefore the numbering tends to repeat itself , so we 're on page one again , but under the heading of the budget for ninety four , ninety five .
5 And it would be impossible to use the main staircase , because as you 'll recall it is immediately next to Reception there .
6 Now as soon as anybody puts that in as you 'll notice they 've nearly all got them in , that 's another advantage of course that they will retain this .
7 Oh does it , I must say that 'll be nice as long as , as long as you 'll let us take .
8 Yes , as you 'll see I mean basically I think the erm the reason is they just need to hang on until the male 's finished , but we 'll
9 Okay , now , one of the things , I was gon na say this later but I 'm gon na say this now because it fits in here quite nicely , although as you 'll see I 'll revert to this later , but while we 're doing sex theory I 'll mention it .
10 As you will realise I am a complete novice regarding these problems and would appreciate a little advice to sort them out .
11 As you will know we 're given large sums of money by governments , the E E C and others , to work in countries in need , to tackle specific tasks .
12 As you will know I may make a reference under this section when I desire the opinion of the Court , not on the whole case but on a point arising on it .
13 Keep the form with your passport as you will need it to hand if you are taken ill .
14 Do not be too concerned as you will find you lose the extra weight once you have eliminated the offending foods again .
15 Erm can we just refer to the general item paper as you will see they are not set out to be resolutions will committee er by the County Councils er paragraphs three one to three three set out the latest position on the planning application .
16 As you will see they they .
17 As you will see I included your name and address so Wyre may reply directly to you .
18 As you will appreciate we hope to be collecting feedback on any research you carry out on the tape within the next 4 to 6 months , and if you are to have time to work with it , I would like to supply it as soon as possible .
19 As you will appreciate we hope to be collecting feedback on any research you carry out on the tape within the next 4 to 6 months , and if you are to have time to work with it , we ought to try to supply it as soon as possible .
20 ‘ Stay with her as much as they 'll let you — do n't worry about anything at the office — I 'm sure Rourke will take care of whatever crops up . ’
21 ‘ As long as they 'll have me .
22 Soft facts are also important as they 'll help you to get to know your client better , to understand their feelings , views and aspirations in a number of areas .
23 The ‘ untalented , uneducated and ill-disposed louts ’ I described above in rather intemperate language before taking my walk will make much of the ‘ coincidence ’ ( as they will put it , with heavy irony , drawing out each syllable like bubble-gum ) that Miller also appears to share the outward marks of my own alleged ill-health .
24 As anyone will tell you , it 's easy to go over the limit , especially at this time of year when people are preparing for Christmas and buying presents .
25 car it 'll do either one of them I do n't care whether you 've got a diesel engine or a petrol engine as long as it 'll get me from A to B.
26 ‘ Anythink as long as it 'll 'elp us out , ’ she wailed through her apron .
27 It would still do you no harm to attend a re-entry programme in the meantime , as it will give you a taste of current nursing practice , and help you in deciding exactly what you would like to do in the future .
28 There is no reason why a male bird should signal accurate information to its competitors , except in so far as it will scare them away .
29 In relation to individual service users and carers , they should be given full and clear information about the assessment process as it will affect them , how they might be involved and a clear statement of its outcome .
30 ( ALL includes hidden files , damaged files , in fact it will make a clone copy of the disk ) To use DISKCOPY simply place the Source disk in ( for example ) drive A : and the Destination disk in drive B : and type DISKCOPY A : B : If you only have one drive ( drive A : ) then type DISKCOPY A : A : and watch the screen for directions , as it will tell you when to swap the Source disk over for the Destination and vice versa .
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