Example sentences of "as [pron] have [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 I thereupon asked Howard Samuel whether he would grant to the Labour Party a licence for the extract , as I had discovered from the contract that the quotation rights were vested in the publisher .
2 If it was like seeing a long lost friend again after twenty-seven years , Darby O'Gill was comfortingly predictable with touches of the old sparkle but we had lost a lot of common ground as I had moved from a place of romance and innocence through a world of cynicism and calculated sophistication .
3 That , as I had seen from the outside , was shrouded in green plastic , and , as all the windows seemed to have been boarded up , there was scarcely any light at all .
4 I have been constantly told what a fine man he was and I regret not being able to experience and appreciate his qualities first-hand as I have grown from a child to an adult .
5 I am convinced that zander often shoal up or gather in great numbers when they are not hunting and to come across one of these occurrences as I have done from time to time is an unbelievably exciting experience .
6 You must be content , therefore , with such a general description as I have received from some of the eunuchs .
7 ‘ Kitty from Cork ’ sang as good a rendering ‘ Bless 'em all , ’ as she struggled with her shyness , as I have heard from some professionals .
8 As I have heard from his crew , he baled out when he eventually got back to the south coast of England .
9 If , as I have discovered from studying continental educational systems at first hand , fixed contracts bring fixed commitments , our children ( and their parents ) will be the poorer for it .
10 People who do n't know what they 're doing can kill birds of prey — their weight is very delicately balanced , as you 've seen from the trouble I had finding the right flying weight for Dawn .
11 As you 've seen from the erm discussion paper that we submitted sir , it 's our feeling that the most helpful way to proceed might be to add a new policy to the alteration .
12 As she had turned from him it had slipped down .
13 After Edgbaston came the English Stroke-Play Championship at Hollinwell where , as she had feared from the outset , she had to pull out after just the one round because of swollen glands .
14 As soon as she had recovered from the months of Rhoda 's illness , and come to terms with her death , and adjusted to the sudden change in her circumstances , she would do something about it .
15 So I walked up to her , looked into her eyes , and close to she was as beautiful and warm as she 'd seemed from a distance .
16 As we 've heard from people in this programme tonight , most of them start when they 're children or young adolescents
17 But to judge something relevant to the choice of a spontaneously emerging goal as end , it is enough — as we have insisted from the first — that awareness of it does in fact act causally on the spontaneous inclination .
18 This was as crushing a demonstration as we have seen from Senna and McLaren-Honda .
19 As we have seen from the blueprint of Mrs Thatcher 's Engine Room in table 1 , she now presides over some 160 of the hated things , though not , naturally , in the literal sense of chairing the lot .
20 As we have seen from the above results many common language structures are domain-independent , and to provide comprehensive coverage of these a collocation dictionary must be based on as varied a corpus as possible .
21 But heal they do as we have seen from those lines who have been to the brink demonstrate .
22 As we have seen from the memories of two of the survivors , younger sisters not initially interested in the trade might end up following their sisters " example .
23 As we have seen from the chapters on health , education and other services , there are still many unsolved social problems and unmet needs for residential care , for housing , for better education facilities for children with special needs , for trained staff , etc .
24 In addition , as we have seen from remarks made by the music and drama specialists , once children have acquired this type of understanding they tend to be very honest about their work , as shown in the following comments from the Head of Art at Redbrook Secondary :
25 As We Have Learnt from Freud , There Are No Jokes
26 As we have learnt from Freud , there are no jokes . ’
27 In fairness to the mother he should have directed that she be given notice of the foster mother 's application ; had he done so he would have learned — as we have learned from the mother 's statement which clearly should be admitted in evidence before us for this purpose at least — that if the matters to which she spoke were correct ( viz. the foster mother 's preventing her having access to and contact with the children , and allegations which she says the children made to her of their physical and emotional abuse by the foster mother and other members of her ‘ family ’ ) , then the mother 's wishes and feelings were not lightly to be ignored .
28 But combination for the purpose of raising their wages and , as we have found from their actions , of dictation to the ship owners and masters of ships " .
29 He scowled and once more she was forcibly reminded of his Viking heritage , the cold , hard power that had fortified the Norsemen as they had bounded from their makeshift camps intent on conquest .
30 On the carpet by the tallboy were several red carnations , as fresh as they had come from the florist , and beside them , a shattered glass spill .
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