Example sentences of "as [pron] has [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 As there has recently been a revision of codes , I am bound to say that my right hon. Friend may feel that the time is not right for a review .
2 Never think that April is not a good month for skiing , as it has repeatedly been proven to have the best snow .
3 As it has previously been shown that there is no enzyme activity in either the supernatant or the brush border , the drug must be absorbed before it is acetylated .
4 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman why the funding for the Housing Executive is not as easy this year as it has perhaps been in former years .
5 The South Bank Show is as good as it has ever been — serious , humane and unstuffy — though its theme tune now sounds is beginning to sound jolly dated .
6 And Iran is as unpopular in the West as it has ever been .
7 His anatomising of male desire is as sure as it has ever been .
8 ‘ Indeed the working relationship between the two is as good now as it has ever been . ’
9 Billy may well be the son of a famous footballer as it has often been rumoured that his mother slept with Plymouth Argyle in the early 1960s .
10 Nash , a scrupulous and sensitive antiquarian , tells us what happened next : ‘ The body , I believe , is perfect , as it has never been opened : we thought it indelicate and indecent to uncover it ; but observing the left hand to lie at a small distance from the body , we took off the cerecloth , and found the hand and nails perfect , but of a brownish colour : the cerecloth consisted of many folds of coarse linen , dipped in wax , tar , and perhaps some gums : over this was wrapt a sheet of lead fitted exactly close to the body . ’
11 ’ We have no policy on single-sex swimming , as it has never been an issue before and it has always been assumed that all children would swim together . ’
12 it is then that the honeysuckle and dog rose , twining through the hawthorn hedge , add their quota of blossom to prove that here , at least , the seasonal model is as it has always been .
13 The Corporation remains , as it has always been , the prime defender of broadcasting freedom and standards .
14 The centre of the village is still much as it has always been , with an attractive pond , complete with swans , surrounded by the school , chapel and public house ( named appropriately the Swan and Cygnet ) .
15 He 's a carpet-and-slippers man who would be happy to run the firm as it has always been run . ’
16 True , the black cows , apparently of no fixed abode , that used to saunter along the streets and back lanes , foraging and friendly , have gone , and Edmund MacKenzie has moved his shop to new premises , but otherwise Plockton today is as it has always been within my memory , and is best appreciated in the evenings when the day trippers have departed .
17 The reality is now , as it has always been , that teaching is a demanding , and at times frustrating profession .
18 Since the knowledge required will be prescribed , the tendency will be ( as it has always been in teaching ) to present it in such a form as to be acceptable to the average child .
19 Our ‘ comparative advantage ’ — as it has always been — is to grow grass better than most , but with grain prices under CAP reform set to fall towards world level grass is an increasingly expensive feed .
20 The same as it has always been .
21 If you miss a meeting , or a crucial decision within one , it is very difficult to have anything reversed afterwards , as it has then been approved by the consensus and therefore stands .
22 Indeed , this event was the first of several that has enabled Keith to use his knowledge of Russian as he has also been asked to write a short speech for a Coopers and Lybrand partner in Sheffield and subsequently coach him with his delivery skills .
23 This lightly raced four-year-old may have been underrated by the handicapper as he has twice been beaten since he made a winning debut at Doncaster late in the 1991 season as a two-year-old .
24 Remittance Man deserved this change of luck as he has never been out of the frame in his seven previous starts but had only managed one win .
25 And from now on , he will be as fervently fanatical in his promulgation of Nazarean thought as he has hitherto been in trying to suppress it .
26 It can be seen from this that although David Barclay senior was not ‘ the founder of Barclays Bank ’ as he has sometimes been named , his sons James , David , and John were important early partners in the bank , and the mercantile fortune he had built up an important source of capital for it from the 1770s .
27 Arthur Davies plays her tragic lover , Don José — ‘ ringingly passionate ’ as he has rightly been described .
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