Example sentences of "as [pron] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If that is so , the end would be the same as I have reached by a more laborious , and perhaps more questionable route . ’
2 As I have argued at length elsewhere , retirement is both the leading form of age discrimination and the driving force behind the wider development of ageism in modern societies .
3 This is even more so when , as I have argued with homosexuality , so many dimensions of a culture have been displaced and/or condensed into the identity of the transgressor .
4 It is true that most foreign investment is for the domestic markets of host countries , and that the ‘ export processing ’ industries that are at the centre of the NIDL thesis account for only a small part of TNC foreign investment in the Third World but , as I have argued for the cases of Mexico and China ( Sklair , 1989 , forthcoming ) , the symbolic significance of export oriented development strategies is extremely important in the contemporary global system .
5 As I have argued in previous chapters , reconsidering that history helps us to reconsider psychoanalysis , especially the way it incorporates yet obscures the perverse dynamic .
6 If , as I have argued in the previous section , moral or ethical theories do not provide formulae that replace the need for intuitions , but , on the contrary , are used in the service of new ones , it is these intuitions that we must focus on .
7 If , furthermore , animals lack self-consciousness , as I have argued in Chapter 6 , then no sense can be given ( a far stronger claim than that we do not know ) to the contention that they are aware of the prospect of death and terrified at its implications .
8 Perhaps , as most of us would assume , it can all be explained by inadequate statistics , faulty experimental design , overenthusiastic interpretation of ambiguous results , or , as I have argued in the case of Ungar 's experiment , misinterpreting the biochemical and pharmacological consequences of stress or other , rather non-specific aspects of behaviour .
9 How could such a soul as I have fornicated with one single prostitute , let alone have repeated the grotesque abomination another one hundred and fifty-five times !
10 This is as close as I have felt to Cambridgeshire for some considerable time . ’
11 He says I have to go twice as far , to go round the car , and it can be quite dangerous as I have to go into the road .
12 I have been constantly told what a fine man he was and I regret not being able to experience and appreciate his qualities first-hand as I have grown from a child to an adult .
13 As I have written in another context ( Dreamers , 1984 ) , ‘ Humanity is going to look pretty silly if it turns out that dreams do n't mean anything at all . ’
14 Thus a note might reach the union committee asking for exemption from the quarterly meeting ( to avoid a fine ) such as the one from Mrs K. who in 1922 said " I wish to be exempt from Society meetings as I have to attend to my children in the evenings " .
15 It was as satisfactory an interview as I have conducted in that , it being entirely non-controversial , question and answer flowed without interruption or the need for retakes ; and in her assessment of Airey Neave both as friend and politician she seemed entirely relaxed .
16 The fact of the matter is that it is not , as I have explained to the right hon. Gentleman on many occasions , happening only in this country .
17 On this occasion , some of their bags were contained in the white diplomatic bag belonging to the Foreign Office , which they were using for convenience to contain their consignment — — and , as I have explained to the House , that was the commencement of the error in question which , of course , we very much regret .
18 Re Constabulary , I am afraid that , as I have explained to Inspector Murray , we have no more funds available this financial year , and his request will be considered within the planning cycle next year .
19 As I have explained in Working Paper 43 , and developed in Organizing Resources , this indexing system depends upon the initial production of " features lists " , or lists of subject headings , the subject facets which it is desired to be able to retrieve from the system .
20 As I have stated on many occasions , Charter has been a most supportive shareholder , most recently under the Chairmanship of Sir Michael Edwardes .
21 I should like to express here , as I have done outside the House , my deepest sympathy to the bereaved and to the families of those who were injured .
22 Here I want to point out — as I have done with other features in the feminist profile — how difficult it is to identify the linguistic correlates of competition and cooperation .
23 On 28 September 1911 Hermann Jochade , secretary of the International Transport Workers ' Federation in a letter to its secretary Arthur Cannon expressed his surprise at the branch 's actions , and noted " I have myself investigated the workings of the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , as I have done with other unions connected with the International Transport Workers ' Federation in Great Britain , and have pleasure in stating and testifying that the Seamen 's Union is one of the best organised and conducted of all unions I have made enquiries into .
24 As I have done with that erm
25 IF some of the jurors had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis , as I have done for 33 years , the verdict would have been emphatically in favour of Dr Cox .
26 In over ten years of supplementing fish food with earthworms , I have not been able to relate fish death to earthworm feeding as I have done for tubifex .
27 If you had stood as I have done for five hours in a draughty ante-room of a courthouse sticking sixpences into one of those things to see how frequently it paid out , you would n't be so keen to chuck your money away , son .
28 I packed you up in your painted form as I have done for every move I have made since the Summer Exhibition , and we travelled down to Bodmin together , you and I — ’
29 I would just rather march at the head of the unit as I have done on many other occasions . ’
30 To shift , as I have done in this consideration of Love 's Cure , trom the transvestite to certain wider issues of desire , the ‘ nature ’ of masculinity , sexual jealousy , and the homoerotic , is only to follow one trajectory of transvestism itself in this period : in appropriating , inverting , and substituting for masculinity , the female transvestite inevitably put masculinity itself — and sexual difference more generally — under scrutiny .
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