Example sentences of "as [pron] [adv] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Moll also otters what in this period is an exceptional awareness of the prostitute as someone sexually exploited because of economic and other kinds of social subjection :
2 Saying Grace is not always a prelude to conventional manners in Free Kirk households as I once found when asked to offer the Grace in a cottage in Point , Lewis , in which the great aunt of a friend lived .
3 Then , as I often did when I was alone at sea , I began to recite Shakespeare .
4 When I listened though , as I often did when my curiosity over-ran my actions , he was different from the rest .
5 I slightly lengthened my stride , feeling self-conscious as I always do if I find myself marching in step with martial music , when I deliberately break step and try to walk between the beats , as it were , in as unmilitary a way as possible .
6 As I neurotically double-check if the tape is running , I mutter by way of apology , ‘ I 've had some bad experiences with tape recorders . ’
7 We are , as you probably gathered if you 've been with us , talking about the , the Gulf conflict .
8 I 'd been a bit dithery for a few days , sort of clumsy and absentminded , as you often get when you 're feeling under the weather .
9 She swallowed hard , dragging her eyes away as she belatedly realised where her wayward thoughts were taking her .
10 Nutty thought she was on to a good idea and went home happily , taking over from her mother in the shop as she usually did while her mother started to get the tea .
11 And Megan went , as she always went where Ann led .
12 When he asked , what did she mean , ‘ taunting ’ , she resorted , as she always did when they argued , to silence .
13 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
14 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
15 Then Mum changed her tone , as she always did when she wanted to wheedle something out of somebody .
16 She began to pray to God herself , seeing God quite clearly , as she always did when she said prayers , a robed , long-haired , bearded figure , partly obscured by clouds .
17 It is interesting to note that when they do discover some titbit amongst the bottom debris , they very rarely charge off with it as they normally do when picking up our hookbaits .
18 Door bars may require to be replaced as they often buckle when being lifted .
19 When string ensembles played in four parts , as they sometimes did if circumstances limited the number of players available , they simply left out the quinte .
20 His two thumbs rotated about one another as they always did when he was agitated and looking for a way to strike .
21 She broke off abruptly , as they always did when they felt themselves nearing the forbidden topic .
22 They were sitting as they always did when her father was home , in the large airy dining room which looked out on the stone patio where in the summer clematis bloomed white and purple .
23 The night before the wedding the girls hardly slept at all and they did not chatter to one another as they usually did until they found sleep .
24 Thereafter , clause 54 was not the subject of further debate and passed into law as it now stands as section 63 of the Act .
25 The real power in Aquitaine , in the sense of the power to appoint men or collect and transfer money , lay , of course , with Henry — as it always did when he was on the Continent and chose to exercise it .
26 Intrigued , and a little afraid of the gyrating shadows that loomed like feathery figures on the walls beside them , the boy kept close to the bent figure , curiosity alive in him , and a strange excitement driving him on as it always did when he was with the old man .
27 It tinkled furiously , as it always did when he became agitated for any reason .
28 She threw up until the nausea passed , just as it always did if she drank alcohol , but now it was almost as if her body already knew alcohol was bad for the tiny life growing inside her .
29 Nevertheless , the French performed a volte-face worthy of their government 's foreign policy habits , and gave the cardiac arrest generation nouvelle cuisine , or cuisine minceur and then cuisine naturelle , as it quickly became when the first fanatical asceticism mellowed .
30 In no time at all the rib was ‘ tucking ’ — not on the main bed , as it usually does if it is going to have a fit of tucking , but this time on the ribber bed .
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