Example sentences of "as [pron] [modal v] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I then severed the last piece of shaft as close as I could to the head , and again found nothing untoward .
2 The only way I could do this was to make myself as familiar as I could to the members of the schools .
3 ‘ I want to get as high as I am able to , and to contribute as much as I can to the team .
4 In fact , sweet traitor , you clung to my hand as you would to a lover . ’
5 By all means consider a tank of an unusual or irregular design , but be aware of the limitations and do not apply the same criteria as you would to the more conventional rectangular aquarium , especially where stocking levels are concerned .
6 Speaking as you would to an ordinary child , of a similar level of linguistic ability , may be the most natural response and in most cases this is likely to be a safe strategy .
7 The move as quickly as you can to the nearest place where there are other people such as a bar , a restaurant or a house with lights on .
8 the smallest lens , and start with it as close as you can to the stage
9 But , cling as she might to the bolster she had taken with her to stop her screams , she could not stop shaking .
10 So indeed should the woman for she is to submit to her husband as she would to the Lord himself .
11 There was no clear path , she was just winding through trees and keeping as close as she could to the direction he had shown .
12 In one regrettable case , which I myself witnessed , it had become an established sport in the house for guests to ring for the butler and put to him random questions of the order of , say , who had won the Derby in such and such a year , rather as one might to a Memory Man at the music hall .
13 ‘ I 'll spell it out for you , ’ he said as gently as one would to a young child .
14 Yes , and we at the university are , I think , really I say ‘ I think ’ , my own purpose here at the university is to export what we 've got as quickly as we can to the local community , and indeed nationally too .
15 ‘ We got as close as we could to the shrimping rig , then Neil Henshaw and myself climbed aboard .
16 We lost ours a long time ago , but some people are still clinging to it , as they would to a piece of wreckage , in the hope that it will remain afloat .
17 Other mares will tolerate , boss , or defer to it as they would to the mother herself .
18 The parent will tend to recalibrate their response , as , as , as you have said , parents will come to expect children to make a lot of fuss about nothing , and consequently wo n't pay so much attention to a child 's distress as they would to an adult 's , because we regard it as natural , children to cry or make a fuss about the treatment we contribute , but the reason for that could be that we , we have as it were , readjusted our sensitivity to distress and we , we really have a double standard .
19 They kept as close as they could to the east bank of the stream and held generally towards the north .
20 Although the coin is removed it will feel like it 's still there and the victim will shake as hard as they can to the encouragement of the observers with such calls as ‘ Shake it off ’ .
21 At the other end of the spectrum , some farmers are so keen to pass on as much as they can to the next generation they leave themselves and their spouses with no capital or income on which to live .
22 as it must to the most difficult corners
23 Where mass communication is concerned , models become ever more complex , each adapting as it must to the particular situation or circumstance and reflecting the complexity of the situation .
24 A spark can just as easily set light to your clothes as it can to a dryer full of washing .
25 The formulation of restraints upon State activities through the adoption ( often by consensus ) of Resolutions and Codes of Conduct within international organisations makes it hard for a State to claim non-party status , as it can to a treaty it has not ratified .
26 He escaped as soon as he could to the company of her brothers .
27 He would have to wait , and until then he would keep as close as he could to the Russian .
28 A protesting Maltote was roused and ordered to ride as fast as he could to the royal camp outside Bedford .
29 Among the gentry residing there was to be found Mr Benedict Beckenham , riding as hard as he could to the devil .
30 Finally , Lear resigned himself to Gould 's impenetrable isolation , and , in a letter written in 1863 , came as close as he could to an objective description of his former employer and erstwhile friend : ‘ A more singularly offensive mannered man than G. hardly can be : but the queer fellow means well , tho 's more of an Egotist than can be described . ’
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