Example sentences of "as [pron] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By thirteen , I had become his eyes and ears as I already knew the name of every worthwhile trader of fruit and vegetables in Covent Garden .
2 As I carefully shut the farm gate
3 On that day , as I slowly followed the trail , I simply felt at home and at peace .
4 I promised I would n't and in fact had no intention of doing so , as I secretly regarded the Duce as a bit of a buffoon .
5 Decent Labour win : the drinks are on me , as I soberly consider the difficult times ahead , and the paradise that will surely succeed them .
6 I 'm sorry I 've actually asked that question and while we 're discussing it , unfortunately we can not do so , as soon as I actually get a figure and I 'm quite prepared to release it to you .
7 This is mainly because of Keegan ( but partly 'cos my wife 's family are Geordies ) as I actually have a lot of time for the individual players ( Beardsley/Cole/ Sellars especially ) .
8 I kept one hand on my sword hilt and the other on my wallet as I mentally phrased the letter I intended to send to Cardinal Wolsey demanding the graveyard be cleared of such a collection of villains .
9 A healthy worm population is evident , as I often see a thrush , starling or jackdaw feeding .
10 It struck me as I fumblingly dialled the number that it would be better to go out to a kiosk , where I would be more sure of privacy , but having come to this decision I only wanted to hurry , hurry — every minute 's delay seemed dangerous .
11 ’ At the age of 21 I turned to prostitution to provide money for drugs as I now had a heavy addiction .
12 It was felt by some members , the secretary told me , that as I now had a residence in Edinburgh , I ought to become a fully paid-up member .
13 I answered Gwenellen with a non-committal ‘ Uh-huh , ’ and , as I now knew the subject was safe , asked if she knew when Bill Francis was due in Out Patients for his first follow-up clinic .
14 ‘ I considered finding another writer but , as I only wanted a talented writer , I feared such a person would want to change the characters . ’
15 As I only wanted the head and cam cover gaskets , these were identical .
16 If you take these for a very long time you get a beard and a deep voice , but as I only needed a month 's supply I escaped such horrors .
17 Watson and Thacker shot down — informed that all was clear but continued weaving — just as well as I then saw a red spinner in my mirror .
18 White continues , ‘ As I never possessed the sense of smelling , and was willing to ascertain the flavour of the liquor , I tasted and found it to be aromatic , tho ’ not very pungent , partaking of the taste of catchup and of the pickle of Spanish olives . ’
19 It often came at night as I subconsciously relived the tensions of the previous evening 's crises .
20 ‘ But as I still held the same views it seemed pointless . ’
21 Keep up the good work as I still have a lot to learn .
22 Keep up the good work as I still have a lot to learn .
23 As I calmly shut the door he cringes back against the wall .
24 His young boss was catching the little animals and handing them to Rory who held them upside down , gripped between his thighs with their legs apart , and as I quickly incised the scrotums and drew out the testicles my blade almost touched the rough material of his trouser crutch .
25 BUT you can renew a loan by telephone as long as nobody else wants the item .
26 He felt that Ellice had damaged his cause among the delegation as nobody there appreciated the amount of thought and consultation that had gone into his planning .
27 feel free to question intelligent participation that er brings out as you well know the best in in all .
28 And as you continuously improve an area , the people that that frees up , the additional labour , go on to do additional improvement work .
29 The number of books may vary as you slowly release the tension in the neck , so it is useful to recheck the number each month .
30 Later I scanned Teletext as you usually get a few after match quotes appear .
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