Example sentences of "as [art] [noun pl] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Then there 's the theatres , ballets , operas and art exhibitions — ‘ Kultur ’ , as the locals call it , is very popular .
2 We drove to Stuttgart to drop the boss at the airport then spent the rest of the day looking around the ‘ hot pot ’ of the region , as the locals call it .
3 As the unknown map of the world diminishes there are few places left for exploration as the Victorians understood it ; most paths have been trodden before .
4 The danger of criticizing the appointment of particular judges was shown when in June 1980 a Belfast jury awarded £50,000 damages to a Northern Ireland county court judge for a libel contained in an article in the Economist suggesting that his appointment had been based , as The Times put it in a leading article , not so much on his ability but on the fact that he was a Roman Catholic .
5 The reporting unit is therefore the organization as the owners see it .
6 Horsley , in turn , was followed around and virtually nursed , as the women saw it , by the embarrassingly doting and un-feminist Olwen , whose old-fashioned attitude towards her man sickened them .
7 As the mechanics wheeled it away , contemptuous spectators threw pennies at it .
8 ( groan , groan — you all know what i want ; - ) ; - ) — with Frank playing 11 games from start my bet is that his goal tally would have exceeded 2 — of course he still misses some qualities — but he knows how to make a goal … as the commentaries said it : ‘ He is under-21 and is still learning the game ’ )
9 As the Americans saw it , both goals required them to reassure those parties who felt nervous about what was going on .
10 A few hard-earned days of R and R , as the Americans put it , away from everything and everyone — or so I thought .
11 Dalgliesh had been left with an uneasy feeling that neither case was as straightforward as the reports made it appear , but certainly there was no prima facie evidence of foul play in connection with either of the two deaths .
12 Athens will therefore serve as our model of democracy as the Greeks evolved it and understood it .
13 Well that failed as you would imagine it to fail if you take the civil war in Vietnam as being in effect a , a war of national liberation , as the Soviets called it , because what the North Vietnamese wanted was in fact national unity .
14 Well that failed as you would imagine it to fail if you take the civil war in Vietnam as being in effect a , a war of national liberation , as the Soviets called it , because what the North Vietnamese wanted was in fact national unity .
15 This leaflet is about German Measles or , as the doctors call it , Rubella .
16 If it is as effective as the researchers say it is I am sure it is going to be a very big hit with cellulite sufferers world-wide .
17 The Independent Company 's constant patrolling — ‘ pigi , pigi ’ as the natives called it , for whenever asked , an Australian was always going ( pigi ) somewhere — was extended eastward and the first contacts made with the Portuguese on the east coast during May .
18 The structure has suffered little at the hand of man , or from the lapse of time , so that without much imagination it is possible to picture it as the builders left it about the year 1410 .
19 The programme ended with a complete performance of the ballet as the historians think it must have looked on that epochal occasion .
20 The rest of Spain was held by Muslims , wrongfully , as the Christians saw it ; the emperor of León laid claim to the rest of the peninsula .
21 As the years passed it became more and more obvious that the BDDA lacked a central office .
22 As soon as the rains come it needs to emerge quickly in order to find food , and water in which to breed .
23 Never before , as the Banks put it , had the arguments in favour of limiting the size of the family been presented to so large a public .
24 This psychology naturally lingered on into the supposedly liberal atmosphere of NEP in the form of the utopian hope that obligations imposed ‘ from the Centre ’ , as the peasants put it , could be avoided , whilst retaining economic rights .
25 As the peasants put it , " God is high and the tsar is far away " .
26 As a regional chairman , he had a seat on the national — or UK as the Scots prefer it — BAIE Council , which he found a strange experience .
27 After a few weeks the foal gains sufficient confidence to start establishing friendships with other foals , and as the weeks pass it will spend more time with them , and less with its mother — unless it is frightened , and then it will dash back to her side for security and reassurance .
28 ( Or being kicked upstairs , as the vulgarians call it . )
29 As the days passed it became clear to Ned 's family that he was drifting away from them and his strange affair with the stone was fast turning into a deep and meaningful relationship !
30 We would get the ride free , as the economists put it .
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