Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [vb pp] against [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her breath caught as his fingers moved against the rise of her breasts .
2 If he led his followers against the Auvergne while one of his stepbrothers fought against the Burgundians , Theuderic must have done so in 523 or 524 .
3 Cowley stared into the distance , his eyes narrowed against the bright day .
4 " It does n't have to be the evening , " Matthew said looking at her , his eyes narrowed against the sun .
5 He counted the seconds , one , two , three , four , and then it hit the tent with a fury that he had never known , he inside in his sleeping bag with his feet braced against the dome pole facing the onslaught .
6 He looked clean and fresh and healthy , she thought as she watched him fetch himself a cup of tea , then stand , his hips propped against the table , while he drank it .
7 One needs Ford Madox Ford 's emphasis on ‘ the Mediterranean basin , to understand that ‘ tovarisch ’ is being dignified by having his exploits measured against the myths of ancient Greece — for instance , that of Cadmus , founder of Thebes , who sowed dragon 's teeth from which sprang warriors which fought among themselves until only five remained .
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