Example sentences of "his [noun pl] go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition to its constitutional implications , the dispute also raised the possibility that charges against Noriega would have to be dismissed because the taping of his calls went beyond the routine monitoring applied to other federal inmates and , therefore , represented a violation of his rights .
2 ‘ I thought you were going to undress me very slowly ? ’ she murmured , as his fingers went to the satin-covered buttons on her blouse .
3 I expect his notes went into the university archives , and the rest of his belongings would have been sold off .
4 One of his brothers went into the Navy and became very successful and very high up in maritime administration , another went into the Army , and became a General .
5 She saw his eyes go to the coat fixture , and guessed that he knew the jacket hanging there belonged to Travis when he went and took it from its hanger .
6 Rain saw his eyes go to the clock .
7 His eyes went to the door and returned .
8 He took in the blood still dripping from Alexei 's sword , and then his eyes went to the blowpipe in Jehana 's hand .
9 Isabel went to speak again , but he motioned her to silence , his eyes going to the figure shuffling towards the door .
10 He 'd been a boarder himself — last year when his parents went to the States on three months ’ sabbatical .
11 I saw his feet go past the chair and he went into the house .
12 His targets went beyond the Republicans to include " entrenched Democratic politicians " , whom he accused of turning " our party from a voice of opposition into a party of complicity " .
13 As it happened all his discoveries went against the Peripatetic views , and as he advanced so the attacks on him grew , largely because the lesser ones among opponents saw their cosy lives of repetitions of dogma in danger .
14 He threw with such power that Mungo half expected his darts to go through the board and stick in the wall .
15 Paddy Ashdown gives the impression of an officer exhorting his men to go over the top and kick a football towards the enemy lines and to die bravely against unbeatable odds .
16 That evening Pop and his students went to the hospital to help her , going in white cassocks , which was silly , because in the morning they returned covered in blood and dirt !
17 Dwight Kronweiser came to this room every day , spending his mornings going through the manuscript fiction , personal letters and other papers which had been stored in the attic for thirty years before his arrival .
18 If nobody gets an overall majority , the candidate coming last is eliminated and his votes go to the candidates who were second preference .
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