Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [conj] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Cashman said , easing his shoulders as though they hurt him .
2 Ambulancemen told his parents that when they first attended Craig they gave him only minutes to live .
3 Several years ago he told his managers that if they produced an eight per cent pre-tax profit he would dance the hula down Wall Street .
4 ‘ Do you know he pays five marks each for his cigars and if they go out he throws them away ? ’
5 He lifted his hands and as they closed over the aching swollen curves a sound female and feral emerged from the back of her throat .
6 That depends on his assets and whether they meet Stock Exchange requirements . ’
7 But soon he discovered that politicians were more interesting than colonels so he arranged his soldiers as though they were the House of Commons and made them harangue each other .
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