Example sentences of "his [noun sg] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the course of his summing up to the jury , he stated :
2 round about the first world war time , he used this sort of sort of pitching his tent up to the and staying there and learning their language and observing their rituals , getting to know them .
3 Peter was famous for nothing besides denying the Lord and putting his foot in his mouth up to the kneecap on several occasions , but he was chosen .
4 He pulled his cowl up against the hot midday sun. ‘ shall we collect our horses ? ’
5 Terry Venables was left picking his side up off the floor .
6 Lord Redcliffe-Maud considered that Senior was the only one of the eleven commissioners who had made his mind up before the first meeting of the Royal Commission ( Wood 1976:8 ) .
7 Then she picked his file up from the desk , pulled out a needle and threaded it .
8 What , what it 's frustrating for a slow bowler is that if the batsman put his left pad down the wicket and held his bat up in the air , clearly not playing his shot for all to see , then I 'm sure that we , you know , it , the batsman be given out L B W quite frequently , but because the bat is hovering just behind that left pad erm , he 's never given out .
9 It comes as some surprise , therefore , to hear one of the men likely to benefit turning his nose up at the prospect of winning a ‘ cheap cap ’ .
10 The first body , found in the Thames , was discovered accidentally by a bargee , who had been poling his way up the river and had been more than mildly surprised when he had brought his pole up from the river bed to find a sodden brown parcel on the end with a baby 's arm sticking out .
11 That 's why that 's why when you see his name up on the , the list , he , he wo n't sell .
12 so I sent his friend bi when I cut it there 's some bits got ever so many cherries in so I sent his friend up with the cherries in .
13 When he put his head up to the sound of my voice I could see the mess .
14 A long-nosed Punchinello puppet popped his head up on the stand , clad in a red costume and nightcap with a bell on the end .
15 The auctioneer stuck his head up above the pulpit and the Campbell took a shot at it .
16 Nick poked his head up from the blanket and looked around .
17 But , since no one he had met in Wimbledon Islamic circles seemed to use it , it did not prevent him from holding his head up in the staffroom .
18 Without a word she untied it and stuffed it into Werewolf 's lapel pocket until it looked like a dress handkerchief , then she moved behind him and pulled the sleeves of his jacket up to the elbows .
19 The plaintiff negligently fastened his ass up on the highway .
20 Elsewhere , JESUS JONES ’ jovial MIKE EDWARDS — a man never ashamed to fill his wallet up at the drop of a hat — could be heard regaling the select with details of his latest project , which we hear is a remix of a BON JOVI track .
21 He was grinning from ear to ear and pointing his finger up to the flies .
22 She picked his anorak up off the floor and stood there with it over her arm , leaning against his chair .
23 She squatted down to his level , and he stuck his chin up in the air so that she could rebutton his coat for him .
24 He digs his bed up in the stable if he 's too warm and digs great holes in his field .
25 The fact that he turned his collar up against the seeping cold indicated that his numbness had been penetrated , yet he was unaware of it .
26 Tom hastily opened his case , took out a tripod and set his camera up in the middle of the lounge , while Mrs Stych watched , open-mouthed .
27 He hid his distaste as he pressed his ear up against the dying man 's lips .
28 Daniel has his hand up in the back row .
29 Richard was taken to Stratford-upon-Avon for a week where they saw Marlowe 's Dr Faustus and the ex-schoolteacher had his ward up in the morning in the hotel gardens to study and learn by heart the great speeches .
30 William left him holding his glass up to the light from the kitchen window and frowning slightly .
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